
What do you guys think of the Exlite XC fighter Villasenor? He seems like a good fighter.?

by Guest57321  |  earlier

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What do you guys think of the Exlite XC fighter Villasenor? He seems like a good fighter.?




  1. most of Elite XC's fighters are not the best out there

    but there are a few decent ones

    hes deff one of them

    he doesn't play around with his fights

    Baroni took more time getting to the ring then Villasenor took to beat him

    he made a beautiful finish too

    guillotine, cut the air flow off, hit a couple punches and a knee, and when Baroni was a little dazed he finished it

  2. He comes from one of the premier camps in MMA right now .He's around GSP, Rashad Evans, and Keith Jardine. Diego Sanchez used to train there as well. It was my first time seeing him fight; he's got skills.

  3. He is a pretty good fighter. When it came down to BIG fights though, he usually choked up. He is a B class fighter. Tough, usually top tier, but not World Champion or P4P best.

  4. I've talked to Rashad, Greg Jackson and Jardine and they say he hits the hardest while sparing. He's good, but don't expect him to be making huge splashes.

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