
What do you guys think of the fast food restaurant ban in south Los Angeles?

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I just read an article about how they want to ban new fast food restaurants in south Los Angeles (South Central as i know it) and i just wanted to know what you guys think. are you for it or against it? What can we benefit from fast food places? I believe that there should be a ban. If you think otherwise, then persuade me to change my mind :)




  1. Well heres the part that sucks, we all know people in South Central aren't of the upper class bracket, i know, ive lived there before. When you dont have any money or you have to decide between gas or food what do you do? You go get a 99c double cheeseburger because it will fill you up and you can get gas to get to work the next day!. It would make more sense if the county made it easier and affordable for low income folks to go out and buy fresh veggies and and healthy cuts of meat. I make decent money and i would love to ear grilled salmon or grilled chicken b*****s for lunch everyday but its a little expensive i think, so i could only imagine how it must be for a family with 3 kids making minimum wage. Bottom line, people dont eat that way because they want to, sometimes its the only option.

  2. Eating out is always going to be less healthy than a real home-cooked meal whether you go to South Central or Brentwood.  Fast food restaurants are a small part of the problem the bigger problem is that in some of these neighborhoods, the supermarkets leave a lot to be desired.  I was in Albertson's last night and saw I package of turkey bologna in the magazine section and it wasn't even luke warm.  That's not the first time I've seen a perishable item just out like that.  I don't live in South Central but I'm not far from it which means I have to be real selective about what I bring home to eat.  Imagine someone in that dilemma with 2-3 kids.  For the moment, you know that fast food is hot, there may be games for the kids so the parent can have quiet time and if you were to buy the ingredients for a happy meal, guaranteed it will cost more $.  

    The problem is so much greater than just a year or whatever long ban.

  3. Government telling us how to live and what to do. What's next? Making people eat certain things or making us exercise every day? This ban is totally un-American because its against free market and free choice. If I want to be a fatter and eat fast food all the time thats my choice, its my money and I will spend it where I see fit and its my body and I will put into it what I see fit.

    Also they had a p**s poor argument, too many unhealthy fast food places in low income areas. wtf? They really expect me to believe that these people couldn't find an alternative, they could not find a grocery store anywhere? I find it hard to believe someone is living in these areas thinking "d**n, i'd really like to eat healthy but I can't find a Vons or a Ralphs anywhere!" I think not.

  4. Good intentions,badly executed.I am against loss of personal freedom.

  5. heaven forbid such nonsense!

    how would we survive in our busy-daily schedule w/o fastfood?  

    I say NO, we aint no communist!  Vive la capitalism!

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