
What do you guys think of the twilight series?

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What is your opinion about the twilight series? i have read all the books. what do you guys think about them? Nobodies opinion is wrong so go ahead and answer!




  1. I have tried to read the books but don't get past the first chapter.  They didn't appeal to me at all.

  2. I think they are repetitive. The all start happy have somthing trrible go on in the middle then everybodys fine, we're all happy agian. Don't get me wrong I'n glad it worked out like that and i did love the books, I just wish there was somthing different in them.

  3. LOVE THEM! i think they r amazing! they are my favorite books EVER! but i read them all 2!

  4. no words can describe its awesomeness, but i'll try!!!!!

    a romantic circumstance with just a hint of horror and action.

    sooooooooooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    best saga by far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  5. I love them.  The whole forbidden love thing is really "griping."  I think her main characters are really well done.  Bella's a little empty, but I love how she painted her because it allows you to step into her shoes.  I think she did a lot of great twists incorporating the Indian legends and such.

  6. i loved them and recommended them to my friends who also loved them  

  7. How many more of these questions are going to be asked???

    I'm a twilight LOVER, and i can't WAIT for the film (whether they do it rubbish or not, i just wanna see it)

    But these endless questions...What do you think bout twilight? What do you think bout Breaking Dawn?

    They have been asked SOOOO MANY times before!

    But....i love them all, Breaking Dawn, Twilight, New Moon then Eclipse is the order i rate them.

  8. It mostly revolves around Bella, don't you think? And I don't really like her as a character.The series is okay though,some characters I like, the plot is quite slow and depends so much on the one big scene at the end.It has some good parts, but I don't think its all that.

  9. i abosoulutly adore the series but i HATE PEOPLE WHO HATE THIS SERIES!!i rate them in this order: Breaking Dawn, Twilight, Eclipse, and New Moon. I already read the 1st chapter of Midnight Sun online

  10. I read all of them and enjoyed it a lot! It's really good.

    In Twilight, the first few chapters can be pretty boring but it gets even better later on.

  11. love them

    currently on new moon

  12. I loved the whole series. It is my favorite than I have other favorite series. Breaking Dawn was my favorite because it put together the loose pieces we have with Eclipse. I thought New Moon was the saddest because Edward leaves. But Twilight was the beginning was forbidden love. Please answer my question.

  13. It's really good, well written. I mean every teenager at my school has read em' and they like em.

    I really would have prefered Bella choosing Jacob but whatev'.

  14. Its amazing! The mixture of romance and action is unbelievable I LOVED the books! edward is awesome and i loved breaking dawn *spoiler* im very mad jacob imprinted on renesmee i find that a little gross but i have no other complaints TEAM EDWARD!!!

  15. amazingg.

    they were awesome!(:

    they are my favorite series,

    tying with harry potter.

  16. Worst books ive ever read ( Breaking Dawn was sickening and i returned it for my money back!)

    these dumb books brainwashed teenage girls thinking that there are gorgous vampires out there blah blah blah then they start having the user name "Mrs Edward Cullen" come on get a life!

  17. i thought these were the greatest books of all time! i fell in love with them even though i was sceptical when i started reading them... so i am proof that ANYONE can fall in love with twilight... well... maybe not EVERYONE

  18. They are the most AMAZING books in the history of the universe ever!

    Great plot, FANTASTIC characters and the best books I have ever read. I LOVE these books and can't wait for the films!

    Edward is amazing and you love all of the Cullens - everyone secretly wants happiness in the end and you get the best ending imaginable!


    Everyone should read these books as they are the greatest! Twilight rocks! There are unexpected twists and turns and there is someone for everyone to love - Edward, Jacob, Carlisle, Emmet, Jasper, Rosalie, Alice, Bella!

    Great story and everyone who says there are not obviously hasn't read them properly. They are FANTASTIC!


    -New Moon


    -Breaking Dawn

    -Midnight Sun - Twilight in Edwards point of view. (Unconfirmed).

    AMAZING books that blew me away - not just a one time read - you can read them over and over an dover and still not get bored - they are utterly amazing.

    And now they are being made into films!!! Thats how amazing they are! The films will not be as good as the books of course, as nothing can top them - Twilight comes out in November! Can't wait!


    Best books ever - EVER!


    i am OBSESSED!!!


  20. umm i read the whole series too its good but shouldnt be given tht much credit

  21. i just started and finnished the series in less than a month and i love it soooooo much. it's rare in a book to love the characters soo much. i really love edward, alice, and jacob.

    it's so frustrating when it's over, but i dont want to re-read it yet. i dont know what book to read next:;...

  22. I really like them a lot.  Her secondary characters are well rounded, and she does pull you into the story.  They are a bit predictable, but you are so into the story that you don't care.

    I really liked them.  I even liked the last one, eventhough it has its literary flaws.  Mine had typos (big no-no for type editors in my opinion).  I certainly don't think it is bad enough to burn as some people have said.  I think those people have been priviledged and haven't read their share of bad books.  This isn't one of them even if you didn't like it.  It just didn't live up to the hype and I liked Eclypse better.

    Some have called her the next Rowling.  I really don't think she is.  For one, these books appeal mostly to woman of teen age and older.  Harry Potter appealed to the very young to the very old.  It appealed to women and men.  Rowling's are still the best selling books of all time.

    Rowling is a more skilled writer.  Her writing pulls you in, but you can't always predict what will happen next.  She has put a lot more planning into her books.  You can read the first 4 books, read them again and find things you missed, and then read them again after reading more books and find even more that you missed the first and second times around.  The books of JK Rowling are a complex web of entanglements that tie them together.  Also, many of her books can be read alone or as part of the series.

    With Meyers, you don't have these elements so much.  Although the characters are rounded, they aren't as flushed out as Rowling's.  Don't get me wrong.  I really liked the Twilight series and she may have other great books in the future.  I do like her style and I think she is a good writer.  I just wish people would stop trying to compare her to Rowling.

  23. the twilight series was absolutely brilliant

    stephenie meyer is a genius

    Breaking dawn was by far the best book

    but i loved every single second of the series, nonetheless  

  24. I LOVED THEM!!!!

    they were my absolute favorite books ever!!


  25. i read the whole series twice and i LOVE it!! i cant get enough of it!! im a dedicated twilight fan for life!!

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