
What do you guys think of this? It makes me so mad...?

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We were about to sit down to dinner tonight when I went outside to call the dogs for their dinner. When I walked out the front door, I saw a horse tied to our fencepost. There was a letter on the ground beside him, weighed down by a rock. I picked up the letter, and it said 'Please take good care of him'. He's also caked in mud. I called my dad out, and he looked at him. He said that he looks about 4 or 5 years old. Someone just dumped this colt on our doorstep!!! We took his picture, and my dad is going to go out tomorrow and ask around the county if anyone recognizes him. He's totally underfed (I can see and feel every one of his ribs). We've put him in a stall and he's munching on hay, but my dad took blood for his tests and the results should be back in a few days. (My dad is an equine vet, by the way). UGH! This just makes me so mad! I'm glad they didn't go to a kill buyer, but if they had phoned and asked for help selling, we could have helped them that way. Thoughts & opinions?




  1. This may be a stolen horse.  My sister-in-law is originally from Ontario, and her brother is a large animal vet there.  He is involved in the investigations of horse  thefts in his area...many dump the horses like in your case if they feel they are going to be caught.  Very few are showing up at the slaughterhouses so far.  He has descriptions and photos of several horses, and some are microchipped.   He would be able to compare photos to the ones you took, and has your dad checked to see if it's microchipped?...someone might be looking for this horse.  What area of Ontario are you in?

    ADD.....that's exactly what I thought you'd say.  Notes are common.  So, how is your dad going to check on the stolen horse information before you procede to just keep this one?  And, does it or doesn't it have a microchip?

  2. i think its somewhat cruel, but hink of it this way: at least they dropped it off where you guys (probably) own horses, so he/she knows you will take good care of him right?

    its mean that they have him filthy and unhealthy and severely underweight, but be happy!!

    its one less horse that has to go through the pain and suffering of being slaughtered, you know?

  3. I know it must have been a shock to you....but from my viewpoint I have to admire what the people did.  I don't condone it but at least they had enough heart to put him in capable caring hands.  And they knew it!!

    His condition upsets me and I wish they would have done something earlier.  None of the neighbors saw anything..truck trailer or did they walk him over??  Very brave.

    Hmmm..I wonder if it could be some type of fate??

    I hope he is okay..just a few pounds missing!!

    He dosen't sound very saleable to me except to you know there were probably no other options.  Would you have bought him?  And, at least they didn't sell him to the type of buyer that would have purchased him....and I'm sure it wouldn't be to rehab him.

  4. hum....well they knew where to take him to give him a good home i guess......its funny you say your glad they didnt go to the killers......thats a subject that is not safe anymore to discuss....

    edit....its better to bring him to you rather than you drive by and see him starving in some pasture....does that make you mad....?????

    edit....again.... arent the rescue shelters running out of room???

    edit....ya you can get them into shelters....but what about these the answer below me.....why get a horse when you cant take care of it for the long haul....people always getting on here and asking the same question "i wanna horse but my mommy and daddy wont let me get one" THERE IS A REASON....or here is another one i love "i wanna do i care for it...oh ya and i dont have any money"  but thats a whole nother subject agian.....and why are people saying that its so mean that they droped it off at your house....they sure knew that you could take care of point is they were trying to take care of there problem...and nobody on here knows what these people tried and didnt try to get rid of the not on here to argue im just saying that judging is not the way to go when nobody on here has any idea what was going on......and it is better to take the horse to someone who can care for it rather than do something really inhumane....i beleive we need to look at the bigger picture....sorry about the spelling and im really not wanting to be rude....

    wild and free.....your awesome!!!!!!

  5. i think it is a really bad thing to do but, its their loss your gain.

    your the one with the horse and can take care of it better, its a better place for the horse and hes in good hands now

    all in all it turns out good.

  6. I can't believe that! There are many horse rescues that would have been happy to take him in. What idiot would just jump a wonderful animal off? Man, that ticks me off. I admire you for taking care of him!

  7. I think that's one very lucky horse.

    But yes it would make me mad if someone just presumed I could make everything okay and dropped a horse at my door.

    I have heard of this sort of thing happening before, with dogs and cats but horses ? !

    I think it just shows how bad it's getting with the prices and everything I guess.

    Hope his bloods and all come out good.

    Keep us posted on this please.

  8. Things are real bad in the horse market now. Here in KY, close to Lexington, the  horse capitol of the world, people are dumping horses in the Daniel Boone National Forest because they can't afford hay. A friend of mine was headed to work one morning last winter, rounded a curve and slammed into two horses that had been abandoned. The first horse died instantly as it went through the windshield, the second one had to be put down at the scene. My friend suffered 2 broken vertebrae in her back, a broken sternum and a concussion. People that have no conscience are a danger to all of us, let alone defenseless animals. At least these people left their horse where they knew he would receive the care he needed, but that still does not excuse not taking responsibility for a creature THEY CHOSE TO HAVE. Sometimes people just make me sick.

    Kudos to you and your Dad for taking this animal in to care for. I hope his tests come out OK and you can find him a good, safe, loving home.

  9. Wow! That horse is so lucky he has a good home! The poor thing! I want to thank you for taking him in as you did and giving him food and water. I find that dispicable. If you can't take care of an animal, don't dump it on someone's doorstep! Take it to an animal shelter- they'll find it a good home! That makes me as mad as it did you. Thanks for sharing.

  10. First, I think that's awful, but at least he didn't go to an auction. I really commend you for taking him in and taking care of him when no one else would.

    Second, a good friend of mine has been looking for a project horse - one to train as an eventer and then sell. If he is a 4-5 year old TB or cross with good conformation, he might fit the bill.  Where are you located?

  11. Well it is upsetting, but maybe they had too much trouble trying to sell and had no other way to get rid of it, so they thought that someone like you could care for it better than they could. They must have cared for it a little, to not just dump it off in the middle of nowhere, but to take it somewhwere where they thought it may get help. Just as women leave babies on doorsteps in movies, they just cant care for it or they are ashamed, and no-one else would take it maybe?

  12. Wow I've never heard of someone doing that with a horse before.... That truly is so sad. He's one lucky horse, I must say though.

    If you think about it I guess it was just a matter of time before people starting doing this with their horses.... They do it with their children.

    Things are just getting so expensive with gas and hay prices rising it's becoming almost impossible for some people to afford to feed even one horse. The only thing i can say positive on the old owners part is that they didn't throw this horse out to the kill buyers. (Although starving him doesn't account for much better =/)

    I agree with Debi, keep us posted I'd really like to know how this goes down, and where this guy ends up!

  13. I think that that is horrible! At least he has a good home now its better than alot of things that could have happened to him though

  14. I cant believe this happened but they probaly couldnt afford him so on one hand its fine on the other bad

  15. That is rediculouse i cant beleive some one would do that... but on the other hand at least it will have the chance to belong to some one that will actully take care of it.

  16. LisaJ, the horse rescues (including mine) are getting full.

    Overbreeding and closing down slaughter houses has created a monster - good registered colts selling for $50 at sales, the old, sick, unwanted, insane horses being bought for $10 or given away  to be shipped to Mexico slaughter houses, and scores of horses just turned loose. At least this person knew your Dad would do what he could.

    A coggins test (required for selling a horse or transporting, depending on the state) costs at least $25. Sale barns charge a percentage. I know a lady with no choice who sold a mare she rescued. The horse has a bad limp, no one would take her for free, and the woman sold her for $50 - minus the costs, took home $21, and probably spentthat in gas getting there.

    I hate thinking about slaughter, but it has its place for the unwanted, unsafe, un'fixable" horses that no one wants. Slaughter for any animal should be better regulated and made humane as possible.

    People need to stop breeding " just because they can" and stop breeding inferior horses. The supply of horses has exceeded its demand due to high feed prices, droughts, no slaughter anymore in the U.S. and indiscriminate breeding.

  17. that sucks but at least they had the sense to get rid of him and not let him starve to death in some shack in the woods with 3 feet of manure.

  18. WOW!

    I'm glad also that he went to you & not the kill buyers.  The people must have known that you could or would take care of him.

    That is so sad & if the people cared enough to drop him at your place & not the slaughter house, then they must have loved him & just had no choice.

    What a sad situation.

    It was great of your family to take him in though.  Keep us updated on his progress & what you end up doing with him.

    Does he look confirmationally sound?  What about his breed, it is an obvious breed or is he grade?

    Well, your karma points just went sky high!!!!

  19. I believe that is animal abandonment as well as animal abuse (being so thin) and is punishable with $$$ and Jail time!  I'm glad he found himself tied to a post at your house, and not on a truck to Mexico!

  20. That is really sad. But you're right, look where he could have ended up!

    Just wait it out for a night, get some good sleep, and wait for all of your emotions to settle down a bit before deciding what to do. For now you're keeping him. Take one day at a time, and remember you have time to think about it and what's happening.

    I believe that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this colt will be an amazing horse for you!

    Good luck and I hope he's okay! =]

  21. crazy! It's bad enough when people put cats dogs and babies on doorsteps but a whole horse! That is weird and cruel! They could have sold it long ago to someone who would care for it before it got underfed that is sad

  22. Thant is insane that person should be nicer to it!


  23. Wow I can see how you wouldn't want that. A horse costs a lot to take care of. Thats a bummer. If you find the guy that dumped it on yuor post you could get him/her arrested for animal abuse.I'm not alowd to get a pet so I would love if someone dumped an bearded dragon or corn snake on my doorstep lol.

  24. That is sad :(

    But look at it this way, obviously your dad is qualified to take good care of him, and it sounds like you are also more than willing. In my opinion it's great that the poor thing is now in good hands, I am sure he/she will soon feel better thanks to you guys :)

  25. aww, the poor thing, and goo dfo ryou for taking him in,

    Let us know how he does :D

    Goo dLucK!

  26. it is horrible, but they might of had the horse in there mind. Think about it if they had a horse and couldn't afford it and didn't have your number and saw you taking good care of your  animals and didn't want a good horse go bad so he left him with you knowing that you would probably would take care of  him.

  27. You should break him in good and sell him

  28. Sometimes good intentions pave the road to chaos. Thank God they didn't decide to eat the poor thing.It seems people sometimes attempt to do things beyond their means. Your judgmnet of the situation doesn't change it or make it better.

  29. I think the owner should be taken to a kill farm. The irritates me to the point of insanity when people buy animals or breed because,"they are cute when they are babies" and once they grow up and the realize how much work,money,and love something needs they have no desire for them. It is ridiculous. Animals are just like humans.They have feelings and since we have destroyed most of their habitats and caged them they become helpless and trust us to care for them. At least this person gave it to someone instead of letting it run free or keeping it until it died. The poor thing.

  30. i think any animal should never be treated like that.

    thats just cruel.

  31. i can see why it makes you mad, but just be glad he's in good hands now. i'm glad to hear that you guys took him in and i respect you so much, the person who gave him up obviously couldn't take care of him anymore and just wanted the best for him, so be happy that he's alive and not starving anymore.

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