
What do you guys think of this teacher?

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A while back I had a teacher- she was SO annoying. For example, one day she was bragging about what a GREAT memory she had, but the next day she had lost ALL of the daily materials. As if that wasn't a complete waste of time she would spend 15 of the 45 min. class talking to her teacher's assistants. And now for the clincher... It's the day of the final, for which we have to have our names called and present in front of the class, so she calls the students (in her usual slow, disorganized fashion), but forgets to call my name. So, at the end of the class she comes up to me and says, "Did I call your name?". I reply "No", and then she has the nerve to ask "Why didn't you say anything". I give my usual " I dunno", but in my mind am infuriated: "Why didn't I say anything?!? Why didn't YOU say anything YOU'RE THE FREAKIN' TEACHER - it's YOUR responsibility!!!"

What do you guys think of this VERY POOR example of what you can BARELY call a teacher?




  1. Thats life.  Lol it sucks, but its true.  I've had my share of those teachers, and I HATED it.  She would do the same thing, lose everything all the time, come into class 20 minutes late, and THEN, AND THEN, she would get pissed at us for not giving her the materials in a more "organized" manner, and for not being attentive enough for her to finish teaching everything in her limited time.  The time SHE limited by waltzing in after half the class was over!  It horrible, and I know exactly what you mean.  It wouldnt have been so bad if she didn't punish US for her absentmindedness, but she did, and it made life very difficult

    I guess the best thing to do it just suck it up, and do the best you can with what you have.  I guess one good thing i got out of this (and probably you) is that we realized life's not always easy, and sometimes its up to you to help yourself, cuz not everyone is going to help you.  Lol, still, I wouldnt have minded a good teacher in exchange for not learning that lesson just yet... :P

  2. I've seen worse than that.  I once saw a whole class that was hung out to dry by a sub teacher who "took a second lunch".  According to another eyewitness teacher, the guy said "I took a second lunch and I'm not sorry for it!"  You had security guards watching over the class while the teacher was searched for.    

    Needless to say, the guy was never called back to the school.  

  3. You could've said something. Are you that lazy to say "You didn't call my name."?

  4. She needs to be fired...that is a poor excuse for a teacher.

  5. It wasn't her job to tell you what she forgot!  If she skipped your name, you should absolutely have said something.  She was right!  You haven't said anything so terrible about her.  She sounds a little absent-minded (even if she does have a great memory for some other things, which is possible), but I would guess that at least half the teachers I've had were far worse than what you've described.

  6. Yeppers, sounds like you have an "absent minded professor" type teacher. I have to agree with a lot of what you said. In her defense, maybe she was joking about what a great memory she had or was trying to use positive self-talk to improve it...LOL.

    Your second example of spending 1/3 of the class period is harder to defend, but the teaching assistants aren't available until the beginning of each class and she has to go over it with them would have been nice if she had something for the rest of the class to do while she was doing that.

    I will take her side on the final--if she didn't call your name, you should have said something. It is for your benefit to speak up for yourself so she didn't mark you absent because you didn't respond and possibly be given a zero. It is your responsibility to speak up for yourself in a non-threatening situation like this.  

    I don't think she is "harmful". I consider harmful teachers those that are demeaning, biased, or otherwise unfair & detrimental to students. She is just disorganized as you said. Unfortunately, you will come across all types of people in school and in the workforce--you just have to come up with ways to "make it work" for yourself. Consider it an additional learning experience beyond the material she was teaching and know it could have been worse.  It is too bad that someone, like the department head, couldn't step in and help her get organized--the students would be happier and so would she!!

  7. HAHAHAH "why didn't you say anything".  Yeah right lady, like anyone would voluntarily present.

    She's nuts! Oh well... if she let's you make it up (maybe after school when no one is around if possible? Since the in class time has passed).  She'll probably feel bad and grade you easier.

    But that's really funny, she sounds like an easy teacher, just be nice to her cuz she sounds frazzled and would favor the easy going students that take her c**p.

  8. lol seems like shes in the wrong proffesion

  9. LOL I've had teachers like that. You just have to put up with them. I had one teacher that was INSANE in the same sorta way, I was pissed at first but after I got used to her unusual teaching it wasn't' so bad at all. . .

  10. more like fogeter

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