A while back I had a teacher- she was SO annoying. For example, one day she was bragging about what a GREAT memory she had, but the next day she had lost ALL of the daily materials. As if that wasn't a complete waste of time she would spend 15 of the 45 min. class talking to her teacher's assistants. And now for the clincher... It's the day of the final, for which we have to have our names called and present in front of the class, so she calls the students (in her usual slow, disorganized fashion), but forgets to call my name. So, at the end of the class she comes up to me and says, "Did I call your name?". I reply "No", and then she has the nerve to ask "Why didn't you say anything". I give my usual " I dunno", but in my mind am infuriated: "Why didn't I say anything?!? Why didn't YOU say anything YOU'RE THE FREAKIN' TEACHER - it's YOUR responsibility!!!"
What do you guys think of this VERY POOR example of what you can BARELY call a teacher?