
What do you guys think?i need opinions please!!guys and girls please!!!

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well this is a boyfriend matter. i have been with my boyfriend for 5 years now. we have had a baby together also but our son passed away about a year and a half ago. it was a really hard time for me and i think him also but more for me.he had a few jobs in the past year but got fired because boss wanted to hire different guys to pay them less..messed up ya i no but thats wat happened. anywho this year in may his cousin got jumped where he lives, which is in queens, ny, and his cousin came to the bronx and was staying at my boyfriends parents house because my boyfriends mom which is his aunt took him to the hospital and told him what to do about the whole situation. theni guess my boyfriends cousin had a job for him where he was working which is in queens so my boyfriend was supposed to spend the night in queens to go with his cuz to the job but then he said that if he came back to the bronx that it wouldnt make nay sense because he would get out of work at 6 or 7 then get to the bronx like 9 or 10 then have to get on the trainback at 5am so evryday doing this would be hassling i would imagine so they decided they were gonna stay together and now they have a 3 bedroom apartment in queens where they split the rent with the two of them and one more guy. im confused as to if he knew from the start that he was gonna be moving there and tried to break it down easy or if it jus happend like that or both but now he has a good job and hes saving money and workin evryday and paying rent which im proud of him for doing from what he used to do. i trust him and i thought everything was good but i just missed him and started to feel lonely. now this past sunday his cuz ex girl i spoke to brecause i couldnt get thru with him on the phone and she lives in queens so i wanted to know if she spoke to any of them and knew where they were and she started to tel me that she broke up with the cuz that how none of the guys in that apartment dont go to work and they go on the main ave and try to pick up girls and bring them to the house and get them drunk and do whatever with them and that she seen my bf with some other girl and she looks better than me and that one time she went ot the house at 3 am and she seen him downstairs and he was like that hes waiting for his girl that shes ina cab and he dont know what could happen to her that she could get raped and hes worried and i know that that wasnt me so i waslike heartbroken to hear this and i astarted balling and she was like stop crying that im wastingmy time with them that they all talk about me and say that ima crackhead an that i be playing games with him and that hes wasting his time with me and she said she heard this from his cousin who heard it from him. i was like so heartbroken becaus eim ot a crackhead and hes the one whos always coming baq to me wen im ready to let go of him. its like we jus end up baq together somehow but i really do love him and i think he was trying to change for us and himself but tnow i heard this an dit makes sense to me. so i finally got to speak to him and he said that that girl is lying and that he didnt do anything and that he goes to work and that that girl is trying to create problems in the house between the guys and there girls because shes heartbroken because his cousin dont want her anymore and his cousin was the one who was doing that stuff and she would find out bc she would hear message son his phone and she caught him with another girl in the house before.but like the things that she said sounds true about what his family thinks about me and how me and my boyfriends realatonship was going so it got me thinking like how would she know that stuff that it had to be true that he was saying that and hes claiming that were broken up but i dont know about it and when i talk to him hes like he loves me at the end of the conversation and he told me that hes afraid of losing me since we dont see eachother that much anymore nad we dont tlak toeachother all the time like we used jus like totally confused and i been feelin glike S**t like im too ugly and too skinny and like i duno wats wrong with me and wat do other girls have over me i mean evrybodys differnt and its really up to the guy to pick what girl he wants to be with because there ar plenty of girls but hteres also plenty of guys . i dunno what to believe or what to do if i should hold on or let go to evrything bc i dont wanna feel like this. i think i wanna jus be alone and if were meant to be than he'll come baq but im jus so confused because me and being alone dont go hannd in hand and i want evrything to work out but i just dont know what to do and how to go about evryday without this on my mind.adice from anyone who can realte or understands my situation wooul;d be greatly appreciated! i spoke to some of my girlffriends about this and they told me not to feel llik eim not good enough and and jus keep talking to him and let it flow but i don think i could just do that ....i so confused!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. okay.

    so i dont know if i would believe the ex girlfriend.

    do you know why they brokeup?

    she could just be lying to you.

    i think that by the sounds of it he does love you

    he probably didnt expect to move away so quick and figured if he got

    a good job and some money you guys wouldbe better off.

    i think that youwill end up back together but give him time to get

    himself situated.

    but keep talking to him.

    it is the only thing keeping you guys close right now,

    i hope i helped.

  2. guys cant read that much.

    you must include pictures.

    everyone loves a picture book

  3. I am sorry for the loss of your child to begin with, that saddened me so much.  As for the rest of it, if you have been with your boyfriend for 5 years you must trust him whole heartedly.  He must have believed that the relationship was strong enough to go with this job and move where he won't see as much of you.  Sometimes when you are lonely you head plays all sorts of games with you, especiallly when you feel insecure.  Seeing what you have been through, it is not surprising you feel a little insecure, btw.

    Why are you trusting a girl you don't know that well over your boyfriend?  And why are you ready to believe the worst of him?  From reading what she said I already was thinking that this is a girl who is trying to make everyone's life h**l because her guy split from her.  It sounds like someone who is angry and bitter, don't let that get to you.

    I would say trust in your boyfriend, you have been together through a lot and are still together now which says so much.  Don't go around talking to other people trying to fish for information, just enjoy the time you have with him, when you have him around, and keep positive about things.  

  4. wow this is sooo long... give me an hour & I'll get back to you.

    Okay, its a little unclear, but If he has girls at the apartment you should dump him.

  5. Your confused? You didn't have to read the essay you just wrote!

  6. ok i think you need to tell him taht you two need to spend a few hours strait together and talk everything over, and then just hang out. act like a cupple. and see if things are the same after those few hours. if things dont feel right then im sure things arnt going right at his place. im sure you'll figgure out what you really wnat to belive after you guys spend a day together. good luck.  

  7. First of all I am so sorry about the loss of your baby.  For both of you.  Don't hang everything on what that girl says.  If he is not spending time with you, or calling you often, he may feel different.  I would stop by his job one day to take him out to lunch.  If he does not have a job there you will find out.  Or just call there and ask for him.  Tell him how you feel, and why  you feel it.  Make your decision based on the last three months.  The big I love you from him is only out of fear when you say you are done.  

  8. You need a break!!!! Go to a spa and everything will be ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. Well...thats alot to read. I say dump him.

    Btw i didnt read the whole thing, let alone the first sentence.

  10. You seriously have alot of things going on here. Number one the story is to long and my eyes started to hurt. Find some people with less drama as possible to deal with.  You might be better off.

  11. I can't tell the different sentences apart. Capitals? Punctuation? I see you're missing some spaces there...

  12. Well first off you shouldn't feel confused because he sounds like a jerk you should be glad he's out of your life. You are a queen and not a crackhead or whatever it is  that they call you.You lost a baby with this fool and he can just get up and leave like that,he's no good.Please don't get back with him you deserve better than that.

  13. In English please?

  14. OMG.. 1st off that was the biggest run on sentance in the world!!! had me confused a few times!! but to me it sounds like he is playing games with you and if he is denying what chick said all defesive like.. there is most likely truth behind it! im guessing he is messing arond on you. but doesnt want to let you go cuz your obviously a sure thing for him. but doesnt  want to feel trapped if he finds "some thing better". dont waist your time on him! he sounds like a loser! and too skinny?? geezz.. if that was only a real problem! im sure your a very pretty girl and could do way better! he sounds less emotionally involved with you and you more with him. so time to let that guppy lose and find your self a real fish ! a keeper! good luck to u and stop waisting your time and energy on a loser!! btw im so sorry for your loss.. i hope you can find support in a real man!!

  15. bloody h**l.

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