
What do you hate about Driving/Other people's driving habits?

by  |  earlier

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Me, when cars come up to close to you when you try to make a turn, and cars whose backlights come on like they are about to stop, and you have to slow down, and they do not stop, or stop too soon.




  1. I have quite a few;

    1. People who still ride my bumper like I'm crawling when I'm exceeding the speed limit by at least 10 MPH. Rear-end me, I dare ya! Unless you're driving a large SUV, your car will probably end up totaled or close to it but my heavily shock absorbed steel bumper will probably survive with under $1000.00 in damage.

    2. Old lady drivers who get in front of me in the fast lane and decide to drive 10 MPH BELOW the posted speed limit on the parkway

    3. People in little subcompact cars who cut me off and suddenly jam on their brakes. I drive a 1992 Pontiac Bonneville, a pretty heavy full size sedan built like a Sherman tank; if I crash into you, your Aveo is TOAST! My car on the other hand will only require relatively inexpensive cosmetic damage repair with readily available junk yard parts. Not that I'm saying it will happen, I re-did the brakes 3 years ago and after 25,000 miles they still stop on a dime!

    4. Distracted mini-van/SUV moms paying more attention to the kids in the back seat than the road.

    5. When I'm out on my husband's motorcycle drivers that seem totally oblivious to 800 pounds of roaring chrome and steel in the lane beside them. My husband and I have been run off the road several times because of distracted drivers not checking their blind spots. Most of the time its people with kids in the car or people talking on cell phones. My thing is, I drive a 2 ton Pontiac and am partially blind in my right eye, I've never come close to hitting anyone that way.

    And finally.....

    6. People who can't park a car properly to save their lives! I hate going out to my car just to find that some imbecile has practically blocked me in because they couldn't get their car in the space reasonably straight. I'm talking where I only have about 12 inches between their car and my drivers side door. I can't count how many times I've had to squeeze my 5'4'' 100 lb self through a narrow opening just to get in the car. The hilarious thing is that its mostly people who drive cars smaller than mine! My car has the turning radius of a dump truck, if I can get that tank in a space reasonably straight with my bad vision, everyone else should be able to do the same thing in their much smaller vehicles.

    Enough said!

  2. I hate it when people don't signal when I'm behind them, I know their car has a turn signal. I also hate it when someone pulls out in front of me, then they go very slow, I'm getting a case of road rage just thinking about it!

  3. My biggest problem: When people enter the highway when it's not safe.  I have near-misses daily when I'm on the highway, and some jerk coming from an entrance cuts me off .

    Second biggest problem: People who park in handicap spaces without a permit.  There's a special place in h**l for these people.

  4. Most of them don't know what the h**l they are doing !!

  5. I hate the snail races...

    2 idiots on the freeway side by side, trying to pass each other by 1 mph or less...

    when i'm in my car i have to wait...when i'm on my bike i just blast between them...

  6. I hate people who dont use blinkers or the A** holes on the highway who race and have no consideration for anyone else

  7. 1. Drivers that ride my bumper so close I can't even see the hood of their car. This is the type of driver that will usually pass the first opportunity they get and almost take my front bumper off when they move back over in front of me and they continue to weave in and out of lanes without signalling.

    2. Drivers that brake as soon as I get a car length behind them.

    3. Drivers that want let me over in bumper to bumper traffic. Its like they don't realize what I'm giving a signal for.

    4. Drivers that go out of turn at a 4 way stop.

    5. Drivers that are too busy yakking on their cell phone to pay attention to the road.

  8. Tailing.

  9. i hate it when my dad drives like, in the MIDDLE of the road until he sees a car and then he like, jerks over at the last second it drives me crazy, no pun intended.

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