
What do you hate about your spouse most ?

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it could be a character or an object or anything . and why .




  1. His ex-wife

  2. I hate his short attention span....

    I always have to repeat what I tell him like 10 times!!!!!!!

  3. The fact that he gets worn out too easily. Not in the bedroom, he has great stamina there, but outside of that, not so much. He works about 25 hours a week, while I pull double that (which is fine I love my job) and he whines if I ask him to do the dishes once a week. His favorite line is becoming, "Im really run down.." Or, "Can you go easy on me? Ive had a stressful day." I dont mind him taking a break from life here and there and crashing on the couch on his day off, but this is becoming more and more frequent. Whenever I need help getting things done he spazzes out and acts like I just slapped his mama.

  4. I hate it when girls put on weight and you have to dump them for being so sloppy.

    why do they think you'd stay with them once they let themselves go?  

  5. tha fact that i caught him signed up on been hating him ever since. would rather stay and make his life a living h**l

  6. i hate that he is more of a pig than my to kids!!! He always takes his clothes off the min. he walks through the door and leaves them right there, and I will make him diner and he will leave the plate sitting on the table for me to clean up, but if I don't do the dishes the min we are done eating or if I do laundry and don't fold the basket right away he gets mad and Yells at me because the house is a mess and I work 40 hours a week plus attended school 20 hours a week. It makes me mad that he barks orders but does nothing to help at all.

  7. I hate that his job keeps him away from me during the week.  I wish we had more time to spend together.

    That situation creates other minor problems, because our time is compressed & the weekends end up getting filled up with home maintenance tasks rather than relaxation, and he wants to stay home once he gets home instead of going out.  He also doesn't have as close a relationship with our daughter as he would if he were home more.  But I know all that is tied back to his being gone so much.

    Other than that, he is a wonderful husband.  

  8. I don't "hate" anything about my husband, but I do strongly dislike some things that he does. Like he grits his teeth in his sleep, and he never flushes the toilet, and talks with food in his mouth.

  9. He says I'm to needy, but as I start to work toward being fulfilled by other things in which I find interesting he asks why I haven't been hanging on him. He thinks I'm angry. I feel I can't win. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to be needy, and be taken care of too. Seriously I think he likes how I am, but doesn't like the comments others make about it. I'm still figuring it out. So I guess it's that he's indecisive.

  10. i just sat here for about two minutes thinking of what i hate about mine,and nothing just comes in my head! so how about nothing! I love everything about him.and i learned to like him little minuses since everyone has them,and turn them into a good positive thing.I have a man who 100% satisfies me!!!

  11. The fact that he breaths? Oh wait, that is my X

  12. lack to notice time

    refuses to follow through w/ ideas

  13. i hate that he has to wash his car like 3x a week but we take my car most of the time and his stays in the garage.  

  14. My wife is to independent. So much that she will ask a question, which is supposed to be hypothetical and when I give an answer she gets angry saying I am always trying to solve everybodys problems.

  15. his temper!!!!  he's got a really bad temper.  i worry about his health.  he is very stressed out and isn't up for counseling.  i think the idea of getting help makes him feel weak.  he's never hurt me or our child, or anything like that - but he just gets so angry.  i feel so badly for him.

  16. Nothing. Hating is the hater's problem. I'm tempted to wish there were a couple of things different, but that wouldn't be her anymore, and I'm not dumb enough to imagine there's anyone perfect or even able to pretend.  

  17. That he's so neurotic about his books and doesn't like them out of place but he's such a general slob about EVERYTHING else lol.  

  18. He spends way too much $$$$.

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