
What do you hate most about other drivers?

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What do you think bothers people most about other drives when your driving?




  1. Thank you for asking this question, it give me an avenue to vent my feelings, when riding my motorbike it's people that do not look before changing lanes or they see me coming and deliberately try and swerve into me, yes this does happen, goodness knows what possesses them to do it, when driving my car, tailgaters, no indicators, lack of brains on how to merge into traffic,stop sign runners, people that do not know what give way means at a give way sign, drivers that sit in the fast lane going well under the speed limit and people that do not know what a school crossing is.

  2. That they exist. It would be much better if I was the only driver out on the road, and I always got all the green lights.

    It would be way easier to get a good park too.

  3. Some people I knew tailgated other cars too often. Also, some drive so recklessly that they don't seem to care about the other passengers in the vehicle.

  4. Well, Here we go with this: Most of the people that I asked this question answered with the folowing: " I just can go slow", or "I do it because I never get caught", or "I  always get up late and don't want to loose my job". , I don't even know I was going that fast, "I told the cops that I work at the tire store and I since my tires were changed my vehicle shows that it goes faster but officer your speed gun is inaccurate and we can go to court I don't care", But altogether it is just that mostof these drivers have never been pinched in between their driver seat and the steering wheel in a lonely road where there is noone to see them after running off the road at 120mph. I am a truck driver ( 18 wheeler CDL) in Texas and drive mostly from midnight to around 1 or 2 pm daylight, and after midnight the road is a racing track for most of the people and I don't mean teenagers but everyone, I have seen vehicles on fires, other 18 wheeler drivers ( these ones fall asleep on the wheel trying to reach their destination too early) or people coming out of music clubs, others from the midnight shift , etc. I have had fingers flicked at me for no reason at all or simply because my truck has to take 3 lanes to make a turn, well, I have to carry cargo, medical supplies to hospitals, food to schools or restaurants( Burger King, Macdonald's, KFC, etc, truck drivers try to do this while you sleep so we don't block the roads of become a trouble for the rest of the drivers during the day, but still we have dump trucks for constructions sites which usually star working around 3:30am, NOW, road rage and tailgating is just people that "simply don't care unitl they are the ones who end up suffering or loose a love one during their recklessness, or people who is physically big and abuse others. TO BE CONTINUED!

  5. Being cut off.  My pet pea.

  6. I hate when they:

    Ask questions on Yahoo Answers about what people hate about other drivers.  That gets right up my kazoo, I tell ya...

  7. The inconsideration for other road users.

  8. Not paying attention to what they are doing.  Talking on cell phones, making lane changes without loking and speeding.

  9. Oh, just their driving usually..............

  10. not using directional signals


    pulling off the roadway at a snails pace

    pulling on the roadway at a snails pace

    talking on the cell phone

  11. That they driving the same time as me.

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