
What do you hate the most about airports/airplanes?

by Guest56924  |  earlier

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What do you hate the most about airports/airplanes?




  1. The TSA putting their filthy paws in my flight bag and confiscating my flashlight and E6B.  

  2. The lack of legroom

  3. In airports I don't like having to take my shoes off to go through security.  When I was in Asia, I did not have to do this in their airports.  It only seemed when I returned to the U.S. I had to do so.

    In airplanes, I don't like that they are so crowded now.  Airlines are cutting capacity so each flight has more passengers.  Because of that, you feel more crammed.

  4. The sky outside the windows because they make me dizzy

  5. Nothing

  6. i absolutley hate airplane food ! i can't stand the smell cause i makes me want to gag , i can't bare to touch the food , i wish they could make food that has the normal delictable taste of italian meat lasagna or delicous pasta , on the plane the foods all shriveled up , sloppy , dry and rock hard and it tastes moldy , i only drink there drinks , water only , i don't even like there sweets , also the lack of legroom and that each row and seat can have a proper distance , and maybe for the airplane to create seats that spread out flat like a bed , those are the things i hate along with the small tiny and smelly bathrooms and the loud suprising flush , well i hope i made myself clear , all the rest is fine and i hope each airline will try everyday to think of new satisfing ways for passengers to fly ! and about airports i hate the way that once they check you they have to check you again you have to unload your luggage and go through the same proceedure once more , well everything else at the airports just fine , except the line !

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