
What do you have against fox news?

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All the others are very liberal and there is one news station that is semi conservative and you can't be quiet about it. What's the deal? Is that really fair? Is it that hard for you to see something from two different points of view? I try to do that and so should you.




  1. i dont just hate fox news i hate all cable news stations.  Actually I respect fox and would say it is the only reputable news station because at least then you know its not true.  The only place i actualy trust for news is the daily show and the colbert report.

  2. fox news is one sided.

    republican sided.

  3. fox news is homophobic and increasingly racist and is more of a propaganda machine than an actual news station

  4. Other than Glenn Beck, FNC is the only news I watch. The rest drive me to throw things at the TV screen and swear a lot. But, FNC puts a lot of liberal commentators on their channel too, so I have to be grateful for a remote button that says 'mute' when peloser or some other liberal nincompoop gets to rant on the tube. Nearly all the other so-called news networks are now unabashed propaganda hacks for the DNC and Obama. Let them preach to their respective choirs; when I want to hear both sides I will tune in Fox!

  5. Fox news is not a fair show. It is simply a propaganda machine. Finally, someone is taking a stand against their racist comments ("terrorist fist bump"?, oh please). Maybe you should actually watch the channel beforeyou say that it is fair.

  6. I disagree wholeheartedly with the contention that Fox News is fair and balanced. In my honest opinion I believe Fox News is conservative news station with a pro-Israel, pro-military, and lukewarm support for Bush bias. With that said I do appreciate that Fox News has not jumped on the Obama 'drunken frenzy media machine' in which Obama is portrayed larger than life and Obama's statements are taken as fact. Furthermore I do feel certain stations are trying everything that it can to make it possible for Obama to win the election without doing a critical examination of his statements and positions.

  7. I see you have more on your question are the crazy liberals that hate the truth.....

    I have over the year have watch cnn,msnbe and fox new...and found that fox news and mr bill are the most honest and there news coverage..msnbc and nbc are strictly in bed with obama and the democrats...A news media should not be doing these kind of things...

    If you going to knock fox news or O'reilly prove it....don't just say what you hear from smear web sites..

  8. It's ok to be a critical thinker (i.e see both sides) as long as you don't keep "framing" people and twisting everything they say or ridiculing their position. And that is what many news anchors on Fox News keep doing. It's bad journalism and simply unethical.

    In a debate a news anchor can disagree but Fox news anchors don't only disagree they pass judgment.

  9. If you believe you are truly getting two points of view on Fox, I would love to sell you some farm land in Iran.  You are dellusional at best if you think Faux News is "fair and balanced."   From the constant Obama bashing every morning on "Fox and Friends" to the employment of Karl Rove, Oliver North, and G. Gordon Liddy they are dirty and clearly in the tank for the GOP.  Not to mention Sean Hannity's love affair with racist Mark Fuhrman.  Then there is the hippocrisy, during the republican primaries all of Faux News personnel was anti McCain, painting him as a traitor for working with democrats in Congress, and now they love him.  E.D. Hill calling the Obama's fist bump a "terrorist fist jab." I can go on and on.  Check

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