
What do you have going on in Pisces-Virgo axis?

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Do you have a martyr complex and/or expect someone else to somehow save you? Do you try to save others? If so do you consider this a problem?




  1. I'm a Virgo Sun with Moon in Pisces. For me, it is the other way around. I find that persons who have Sun or Mars in Pisces tend to feel they have to defend me. I know they think they are being loyal and supportive of me, but sometimes it's disturbing when they think that they can assume feelings for me. If someone is really bothering me, I am totally capable of taking up for myself and holding my own.

    I think it depends on which planet is in Virgo or Pisces. One thing I am sure of is that Moon in Pisces is entirely different than Sun or Mars in Pisces. I'm not sure if this is what you mean.

    Edit: They are definitely different. Does my Moon in Pisces give me an urge to climb on a cross? No, I don't even feel an urge to pray in the garden. The closest my instincts of Moon in Pisces have come to martyrdom is to feel that I have been betrayed a couple of times by persons I thought of as friends. I felt no need to act on it either time. Sun or Mars in Pisces definitely thrives on a need to defend himself or those close to him. Mars in Pisces would have felt an urge and probably acted on it by happily playing the role of victim or martyr. I think my Sun and other planets in Virgo put a strong restraint on the Pisces part of me.

    With my own Moon in Pisces, I believe there is more of a tendency to feel empathy, listening to people and offering suggestions. I don't think I take physical action in a martyred direction with this Moon placement. I think it also directs more into artistic creativity and romantic tendencies. I'm more into romance than the typical male, especially what I read and know of Virgo males. I think this is my Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon trying to balance?

  2. I have the Virgo SN/ Pisces NN pull...always moving from perfectionism and critical thinking to creativity and acceptance of the higher powers....It's a hard transition for me.

    Mars in Pisces often feels victimized by life..."God hates me"....

    My over whelming Capricorn placements help offset this a bit, but the feeling of being "picked on by the universe" is pretty strong...

    Yes, this can definitely be a problem, as the "I'm a victim" qualities of Pisces leak in and corrupt the good qualities of Pisces I'm attempting to reach (my NN). I consider the victim mentality a huge stumbling block to my development and actively seek to subdue it.

  3. oooh - interesting question, Jamie.  My Virgo / Pisces axis is the 3rd and 9th.  I will have to give this one some thought - will try to get back later to answer...................

    Okay, I'm back.  I don't think I really have a martyr complex, and I don't expect anyone to save me.  However,  I do have high ideals and expectations of others and am frequently disappointed when people don't live up to my standards of goodness.  I won't sacrifice my ideals but will quietly go into a self-righteous shell at times.    Now, as far as trying to save others is concerned.......well, yeah, I have to say that I have done that on a number of occassions, not to mention the career path I chose and what I sacrificed to raise my children according to my ideals - ruling Neptune in Libra in the 4th.  

    No, I don't consider this a problem - just an interesting aspect of know, it is what it is, and that's all there is to it.

    You must be writing a book of innovative astrology theories with these questions you are raising.

  4. Hi Ms Virgo,

    I have nothing in Pisces and I only have some asteroids in Virgo except for my Jupiter and Vertex. However, I have a very active 12th house and my Moon falls in my 6th house.

    Generally, I wouldn't say I have a martyr complex...If and when I expect someone else to "save" me, I usually attribute it to my Sun-Moon opposition rather than that activity...I don't try to save others, but I do like helping them, perhaps even to a fault sometimes. If I tried to save them, I wouldn't think of it as a problem...After all, everyone has a different purpose in life.

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