
What do you have planned for today?

by  |  earlier

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** i have to buy my books for school then go shopping for new clothes. anyone care to join me?! j/k j/k.

what are you up to? ; ]]

&&& QUESTION: what woke you up today?

** neighbors lawnmower... arghhh!




  1. I woke up and went to the park and ran for a bit and now I am at work. When I get off of work i was thinking about getting really drunk and watching some TV.

  2. i plan to relax...

  3. going to bed...its 12.12 here. past my bed time! lol

    and my mum shouting at me...

  4. I'm packing and packing and packing for school.... I leave Sunday! So stressful!

    I'd join you if you were going tmr, I'm shopping for a couple shirts too :)

  5. Im just relaxing the rest of the night, my friends are gonna most likely come over.

    My niece and nephew woke me up, I had to sleep over and watch them last night and this morning. I woke up to tapping on my cheek at 7:30 in the morning and a whisper. "Shamanta..I hungry...I want chereal"


  6. The alarm clock.

    Butters and I are going out for dates with ourselves!

  7. The alarm clock woke me this morning at 6:30. Unusual as this is the first time I have used the alarm since January. What I did was work at a tournament all day and I am beat. A nice dinner, a few cocktails and an early night awaits me.

  8. ugh, it's 7pm here, i'm gonna eat a bite of dinner and just chill like i've been doing all day. i skipped school cause i'm sick, but feeling abit better now, but my gf's horrible right now, and more upset cause she got in trouble for being sick, which pissed me off....

    so yeah, i cut a bit and i've been playing with my puppy. >.<

  9. I'm going to relax cause today at school (well all week)lol has been very tiring so I'm just gonna lay back :D, oh umm i just suddenly wake up lol :D oh and i would love to join you, ill carry the bags! :)

  10. It's night time over here in Norway.

    I need to go to bed soon.. ;(

  11. it night time over here

    but tomorrow i guess i'm going to hang out with friends buy school stuff as well and answers also

  12. i have raised shire horses for over 40 years.. i plan to plow 10 acres of corn and feed my horses goats.. and milk my 7 cows.. then i plan on dressing up in my new overalls , new deerskin boots and a top hat. then i plan on going to visit my neighbor,, ruthie crowtoes and ask for her hand in marriage.

  13. I was gonna procrastinate, but I decided to do it tomorrow instead!!  :@)

  14. I'm waiting for my girlfriend to come home, so I can force her to take me out to eat tonight. I am hoping to go to Chili's. In the meantime, I am organizing my Start Menu.

    I was woken up today by telemarketers.

    Have fun shopping, and good luck with your Fall term!

  15. what does this have to do with lesbians?

  16. i have to

    intern at a hospital :D

    study for an exam :(


    sleep. XD

    what woke me up??

    my alarm clock. XD

    have a nice day!! :]

  17. My kitten attacking my feet woke me up!

  18. I'm going 2 sleep because its way past my bedtime, n my alarm clock

  19. I worked all day and have to work tomorrow also & so all I'm going to do is drink some beer and relax and, of course, be here on YA.

    What woke me up was my turtle, Porno, scurrying around in his aquarium. For being so small, he sure is noisy. But I suppose if I wanted a truly, utterly quiet pet I could simply put a potato in there perched upon the rock. lol But I'd still have to clean up after it though.

  20. Well this is in an odd category...

  21. Sit on my bum and go blind from staying on the computer for too long get a DVD.

    What woke me up?

    A strange dream about me playing hockey with a sword and my cats claws on my face

  22. Me and Butters have dates!

  23. actually we are going to a new chinese buffet that opened on the broadwalk and then listening to some bands that play here on the beach. we might go skating too LOL at least i want to.

    and what woke me up was my cat begging for breakfast.

  24. i would love to go shopping for clothes bahaha. right now i am dealing with an expander that just got put into my mouth today, not fun at all. and my alarm clock woke me up.

  25. I have to buy books for school as well, let's go :]

    Hah, only if I get to go in the dressing room with you <3

    Answer: My friend texting me about his relationship issues *sigh*

  26. It's past midnight and I plan to go bed :),

    ok might stay up for a while

    on my own tonight

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