
What do you have to do to be homeschooled?

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What do you have to do to be homeschooled?




  1. Look here for the laws for your state

    and here for a good article

    http://www.virtualonlineschool.blogspot.... about talking with your parents

    Best of luck,


  2. Be willing to sacrifice real friendships and social growth.

  3. Sounds like you're asking from the point of view of a student who wants to withdraw from school and be homeschooled.  Requirements vary from state to state.  Your parents can purchase a curriculum to make sure all of the necessary subjects are covered.  You can also rent DVD's where a certified instructor teaches the class.  

    The advantages of homeschooling include being able to progress at your own pace and one on one teaching.  The emphases on being popular or a member of the right clique are eliminated.  You don't have to have a gang member as your lab partner anymore.  You learn real lessons that will help you accomplish your dreams.  Not just the answers to this year's standardized test.

    You can still be friends with the people you know now and can make knew friends through homeschool groups.  You will also have more time to pursue hobbies and activities you enjoy.  Homeschooling does not mean you are isolated from the rest of the world.  

    Have a good attitude and be self-disciplined and you will be successful.

  4. What you have to do depends where you live. Some jurisdictions have a whole heap of requirements, whilst others have very few or none at all.

    Probably the only single, universal thing you have to do to be homeschooled is to gain your parents' support and permission. Other than that, different families will have to do different things because they live in different places.

  5. Most of what Raven said was true. There are a lot of opportunities available and in the perfect situation everything will fall into place.

    You sound like you want to forget school because it just doesn't feel right for you. Being in a regular school and not being home schooled will allow so many more opportunities in the future, no matter what path you end up taking.

    The key to succeeding in life (and by that I mean being happy and fullfilled) is having a work ethic which will allow you to support yourself by doing what you enjoy doing.

    You sound like you have hit a snag but believe me, you will get through it and whatever problem you're facing now will be looked back on by you as a piddly little problem that wasn't as big a deal as it felt like at the time.

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