
What do you have to do to be in The Police Force?

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What do you have to do to be in The Police Force?..

How long does it take.. And what tests do you have to do?




  1. For the UK, it's all here..........

  2. you must be good at playing hide and seek with a panda car.

    and make sure if you get a 999 you will need to give it at least three days before you respond.

    if you can do this your IN.

    Tho to be honest the more good honest and straight people we can get in uniform the better.

    It just might give us the faith in the force we need and once had.

    so if you are honest and straight ....please.... go for it.

    But if you not then OMG not another bad penny with Power Crazy syndrome. pc stands for police constable.

    Not Power Crazy.

  3. You have to take all the tests, lol.

    It takes about 12 to 18 months.

    Every state has different minimums, and each department has their own set of requirements.  But basically ....

    In order to get accepted to a police academy you need to apply, have a background investigation, take a physical fitness test, take a reading/writing comprehension test, take a psychological test, take a polygraph test, and then have an oral interview.  Whew, now you are in the academy for the next 6 months.

    In the academy you will study law, criminal and constitutional.  You will also study first responder first aid, traffic accident investigation, criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, human behavior, report writing, self defense, Pepper spray, Taser, firearms, defensive driving, and physical fitness.  You will take tests in all of these areas.  Whew, now you graduated the academy you are going to field training for 8 weeks.

    On field training you will ride with a Field Training Officer who will show you how to handle the streets.  In other words he/she will show you how to apply what you learned in the academy to real calls for service.  After that you are on your own as a Probationary Police Officer.

  4. The short answer is: You mus be 21 or older, you must attend a police academy. The number of hours of training may differ from state to state, in California the Academy is 660 hours. This can be done through an extended academy or like going to college done straight through. The academy has many tests all through. These include tests like you are familiar with in school as well as physical exams you must pass. You must pass a background investigation, medical exam, psychological exam in order to be hired.

  5. In California it takes about a year and a half from time of applicant to graduation. The process is this:

    Stage 1: Short–Form Application and Supplemental Questionnaire

    The first stage in the selection process is the completion of an application and supplemental questionnaire. Applications and supplemental questionnaires will be distributed to and completed by candidates at the written exam. Photo identification and a social security number are required to complete the application and take the exam.

    Stage 2: Written Multiple–Choice Exam

    The multiple–choice examination measures basic skills such as writing and reading comprehension. This test is administered in a proctored, group setting with oral instructions. Candidates who pass the P.O.S.T. written examination will receive notice regarding their scheduled Oral Interview Appointment.

    The multiple–choice examination measures basic skills such as writing and reading comprehension. This test is administered in a proctored, group setting with oral instructions.

    Candidates who pass the P.O.S.T. written examination will receive notice regarding their scheduled Oral Interview appointment.

    Stage 3: Oral Board Interview

    Successful candidates will participate in an interview designed to evaluate job–related skills and abilities such as oral communication, interpersonal skills, and judgment. In addition to general questions, candidates will be presented with hypothetical scenarios (either orally or on videotape) and asked to explain how they would respond to each situation.

    After the scheduled interview, candidates will be given the Personal History Questionnaire (PHQ), which is a 31-page document to be completed by all candidates prior to their background investigation. The completed PHQ must be submitted to the Oakland Police Recruiting and Background Investigation Unit at the scheduled Physical Ability Test.

    Candidates who pass the Oral Board Interview will be placed on the eligibility list for further employment consideration, subject to successful completion of the remaining stages.

    Stage 4: Physical Ability Test

    Candidates who pass the Oral Board Interview will be assigned a Physical Ability Test date and time after the interview, typically when they are notified of their interview results.

    The test consists of job–related physical tasks performed in an "obstacle course" fashion that must be completed in a specified time. The test is pass/fail and measures coordination, ability, balance, and strength. Candidates who pass the Physical Ability Test will proceed to Phase I of the Psychological Assessment on the same day of the test.

    Stage 5: Pre–Offer Psychological

    / Background Suitability Assessment

    Prior to a conditional job offer, candidates will be assessed for background and psychological suitability.

    The psychological assessment is designed to measure job–related traits and characteristics which are important for successful performance as a police officer including conscientiousness and the ability to work as part of a team.

    Applicants may be rejected for background factors at any step of the selection process. Providing fraudulent information at any stage of the selection process may be grounds for removal from the process. Candidates will also be required to submit to a polygraph examination in connection with the investigation.

    Stage 6: Post–Offer Processing

    After a conditional job offer has been made, candidates will be assessed for compliance with Department medical and psychological standards.

    The medical evaluation will include screening for use of illegal drugs. Any remaining background issues will also be resolved. Character–related information discovered during the post–offer stage or failure to pass drug screening may be grounds for revocation of the conditional job offer and removal from hiring consideration.

    The Academy is a 27 week long (1,050 hours of instruction) course that takes place M-F from 8:00am to 4:30 pm. Special classes are held during other hours, when necessary.

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