
What do you have to do to become a vegetarian?

by Guest62788  |  earlier

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I love red meat and seafood. I really only eat meat, very rarely do I cook side dishes. The only way I'll eat a complete meat is if I go to a restaurant to dine. I very rarely eat pork or lamb and maybe 4times in a month I'll eat chicken. My daily eating habit mostly contain steak and maybe twice a week (sometimes more) fish, crab legs or crab cakes, mussels, lobster, frog legs and shrimp.

I been thinking about becoming a vegetarian lately but it seems so hard to do. As much as I love steak I would consider given it up but I would like to still consume seafood. Will that be possible? Also, what type of vitamins would I need to take and what other items/ideas should I consider?




  1. First, start by eating balanced meals with fruits, veggies, starch, and a protein (which comes from eggs, milk beans, etc. as well as meat and fish). There are different kinds of vegetarians with vegetarian diets. "Pescatarians" refrain from eating meat, with the exception of fish.

    to read about what you need to be a healthy vegetarian, visit this website:

    Good Luck! xx

  2. im a vegetarian 2

    i dont eat any meat except 4 fish that i where i get my protein

    since ur just starting u should try giving up a certain meat 4 1 month then add another meat 2 give up and so on

    u dont need 2 take any vitamins if u still eat fish cuz it contains protein

  3. I chose to become a lacto-ovo vegetarian for health reasons, and contrary to the thoughts of some of the people whom answer in this section, to be a vegetarian is not like joining a club or cult, it is a choice, and you are the ruler, some say and they are the veggie police that strict adherence is necessary or your not in the club, that is a aload of cow chips.

    I will not argue with a militant veggie or vegan on principals, but if you decide to become a vegetarian or live a veggie lifestyle, first try a slow ween off of meat, I was a chef for over 20+ years and worked abroad, I ate just about anything that did not move, had feet or made a noise from meats to fish, to insects, cheeses and more.

    I decided with my diabetic condition and my arthritic affliction to eat not red or other meats, only limit my diet to a bit of dairy in the form of youagrt, some cheeses no rennet made and egg white or EggBeaters for there protein only, I consume mainly soya proteins, beans/lentils/legumes, fresh fruit and veg, whole grain breads and pita and drink no dairy beverages like rice and oat milks.

    You decide to which level your going to go and how fast, and if it is right for your then I say "Congratulations" if not, at least you tried and have a better understanding for a veggie lifestyle.

  4. Your simply not ready.  I'm a vegetarian and I don't crave meat, I actually never have.  I stopped eating meat when I was about 9 or so and I haven't looked back!  I eat plenty of soy and veggies. And I take my vitamins.  You need to try backing off slowly! Carnivores like yourself, usually fail a few times, but eventually you will get it right!  

  5. I went cold turkey on meat. I was 13 when I stopped, but you can start at any age. I would suggest that you get the book "Vegetables Rock!" It's a book for teenagers, but I think that anyone can read it, seeing as a lot of the information is for parents, too. If you want to be a vegetarian, then you cannot eat seafood. This book will help you GREATLY! Look for it at the library, or follow the link I put in the sources. Best of luck!

  6. If you only really eat meat, you should have been taking vitamins a LONG time ago.  Vegetables, grains etc are vital to good health.  Vegetarians don't eat seafood.  Animals from the sea are still animals.  Vegetarians do not need to take vitamins if they eat a balanced vegetarian diet.  As I said before though, with your current diet being so bad and lacking in many nutrients, go get some supplements now.

  7. Vegetarians don't eat meat or fish.

    I've been Veggie for about 6 years, but prior to that I was Pescatarian.

    A Pescatarian is someone who doesn't eat red or white meat but does eat seafood.

    A Vegetarian who eats fish baisically.

    If your looking to go completly veggie then you can't eat fish either, but for me it was much easier to go Pescatarian before Vegetarian.

  8. Well, you have to get over your love for meat and learn to like (and cook) vegetables, grains, and beans.  It's not ideal, but frozen veggies might work for you--you can find frozen stir-fry mixes in many stores, and use those with meal-starter strips.  There are also tons of analogues out there that sort of mimic the texture and flavor.  Keep trying them until you find some you like.

    This is to start you off, and you should eventually learn how to cook fresh vegetables whenever possible.

    Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animal, and this includes those who live in the sea.

    As for nutrition, ideally, a well-planned diet would give you all the nutrients you need, but I personally believe taking a multivitamin cannot hurt.

    What made you decide to consider eating less meat?

  9. well why become a vegan when you can just simply take beef, chicken and pork out of your diet. my husband doesn't eat beef, chicken or pork and hasn't for years, he doesn't consider himself a vegan b/c he eats seafood, but that's the closest to meat that he'll eat( except for me tee-hee!!) so don't classify yourself with a label just eat what you would like to and avoid what you don't.

  10. well,     i hope you're happy with your impacted colon and all that buildup of plaque in your arteries.

    how about this instead...

    learn to eat right.

    suppliments don't do jack.

  11. i love seafood to, though i dont eat it.

    demi-vegetarians only eat poultry and seafood, i think you'd be best for that.

    i've been a vegetarian for 2 years, and i take no vitamins, to replace the fibre you just have to eat things like kidney beans or lentils, which dont taste of anythingm so you can easily put them in your food.

  12. you dont really have to do anything i think its pretty straight forward you stop eating animals and get back to nature and just basically if you wanna succeed in the long run change your mindset first and have a good reason as to why you want to be vegetarian its not as drastic or dramatic as a lot of people make it out to be (specifically meat eaters) its how people were intended to eat you need to do tons of research as you can from getting books from your local library on vegetarian and talking to people who are vegetarian start shoppign at health food stores and searching the web :

    good luck and congrats

  13. That's a diet that's bound to make you unhealthy, all that saturated fat and cholesterol. Not too great for the animals, too - I guess that's why you're thinking of vegetarianism?

    You don't need any supplements if you're going to do it right. Just eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg and all the information is out there on the Internet. The Vegan Society have some great information on their website.

    Technically, a vegetarian doesn't consume any parts of an animal, and fish are animals, so that'd be off the menu if you made this choice. Some people say otherwise, but that's piscetarianian (scuse the spelling)

    Anyway, it'd be an excellent choice, so best of luck!

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