
What do you have to do to excuse from jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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my mom is not a citizen of the united states. how can we not go to jury duty? a mail came to us to come but the excuse form is very complicated so i don't know how to not go. the form says that we have to write something to them and we can't phone them. please help my family because we aren't the citizen of the united states. legally




  1. You can let them know that you have no respect for American law and that you are breaking the law by being here, and return to your country. I can guarantee you will get out of Jury Duty if you do that.

    Another illegal wants to reap the benefits of the USA with no actual regard for the laws of the USA.

    GO HOME.

  2. your mom is not a citizen but ,has to report for jury duty but ,must make known at roll call in the court house her status and will be excused.

  3. Write on the form that you aren't citizens of the US and should be excused. Mail it to them. Are you here illegally? If you are then you need to go home to your country and come back legally, before they figure out you're here illegally.

  4. If she's not a citizen, she doesn't have to go to jury duty.  You only have to go if you are allowed to vote, and she's not.  She should just go on the day that she's assigned and when they are checking her in she needs to tell them she's not a citizen - they will send her home.

    The only other way to get excused is with a doctor's note for health reasons - and they have to be real reasons, like you are on bedrest or you have to get dialisis every day.

    I got out of it because I was on bedrest for my pregnancy, then because I had cancer and daily treatments but both times I had to show up with a note from the doc and was immediatly sent home.

  5. Send a copy of her green card back. No green card? Depending on the state expect a police visit!

  6. I've never heard of non-citizens being called for jury duty

    your mother is exempt from serving; she still has to report and inform the court that she's not a US citizen

  7. If she wants to be like an American, she should carry out her "American Duties."

  8. she is pretty much required to go. i've never heard of anyone getting out of it.

  9. you gotta do it

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