
What do you have to do to get committed? A crazy family member that I have been estranged from for years was?

by  |  earlier

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apparently committed by her husband, supposedly not for long, but wouldn't she have had to do something really crazy to be committed? Does a judge have to sign off on that?





  1. first the police have to come and get you. then you are taken to a hospital to be evaluated, then if you qualify, you get your day in court and if the judge finds you are nuts, you qualify for, social security disability and the checks start rolling in. all because you claimed your Elvis. God Bless America....

  2. From a lawyer.  Most people voluntarily agree to be committed for 3 days.  A person must be a danger to himself or to others for a 3 day commitment.  It can be done with an ex parte court order or voluntarily.

  3. In California:

    Only a police officer, county mental health worker, or a doctor of the county hospital, can commit another person to a mental hospital against their will (the famous 5150 WIC) and only for up 72 hours without further approval.

    The person must be:

    A danger to themselves

    A danger to others

    Gravely disabled due to a mental illness (so mentally ill that cannot take care of themselves with basic human needs (food and shelter)

    Most likely the husband had her 'admitted' to a mental health hospital for treatment. Much like being admitted to a regular hospital.

    5150.  When any person, as a result of mental disorder, is a danger

    to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled, a peace

    officer, member of the attending staff, as defined by regulation, of

    an evaluation facility designated by the county, designated members

    of a mobile crisis team provided by Section 5651.7, or other

    professional person designated by the county may, upon probable

    cause, take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody and place

    him or her in a facility designated by the county and approved by the

    State Department of Mental Health as a facility for 72-hour

    treatment and evaluation.


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