
What do you have to do to get your black belt in taekwondo (wtf).?

by Guest58054  |  earlier

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What do they test you on. help help help help help




  1. There is a minimum time at each belt level. It is not about knowing everything. It is about being the best you can be at it. Sure there are people who will allow you to test  for the ranks without putting in the time.

    There are about 10 levels depending on the system. It takes on average 3 years to get through them all. This will get you to probationary or First deg. depending on the system.

    There are plenty of web sites describing the ranks ant forms etc. Try the

    For sport TKD. Try the international organization for more traditional.

  2. everything you have learned previously

  3. This varies so much from school to school.

    But in a nut shell.

    Kata's about 10 - 15 of them

    Combinations about 30-40

    some schools you are suppose to develop a number of your own combination for different situations, (weapons, side attack, front, back, ect)

    Self defense moves and the same goes as combinations you may have to develop your own.

    Sparing, some schools do just sparing other multiple attackers, some even blindfolded.

    And the kicker some schools even after you pass your test you get put on probation for about a year. You get the belt and rank but you don't get the certificate until the probation is over. You are expected to teach classes and such.

  4. Well, they test you on many different stances, blocks, and simply what you would do in every situation. For example, if your sensei (teacher) throws a left punch at you, he would expect you to move away and strike back in the rib area. This is just an example, but this is basically what they will do. However, without learning for less than 2 years, you will not get your Black Belt. I hope this answer helps you!

  5. in my class, you have to know every form and all of the one steps. plus you have to run a mile, do 50 sit-ups and push-ups, and be able to do various blocks and techniques.

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