
What do you have to do to homeschool your child?

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What do you have to do to homeschool your child?




  1. There are a variety of way to go about homeschooling. First, you check to be sure you are in compliance with state law. Then, you look for a method of learning/instruction that works for your family. After that, you find materials that meet your needs. Then you just get started. I know that is painfully vague, but once you start browsing the web and reading books on homeschooling, you'll find a more precise answer to your question.

  2. first you should ask your kid if he wants to, show him what it will be like first, then let him decide. i failed a few classes my freshman year and chose to home school for half a year to catch back up. its taking me a full year and is the hardest thing Ive ever done. now, I'm stuck in my house almost every day and lost next to all of my time away from home. by the end of the week, im just sick of even hearing my moms voice. i guess it just matters what kind of place you live in. if you live in a city or a town, where you could walk down the street and see at least one other person than he/she will be fine. if you live in a place like me, that doesn't even have a sidewalk for a good 30 to 40 miles, than home schooling's not for you.

  3. I am a homeschooled sophomore student, and I hope I can help.   This is from Wikipedia

    Homeschooling – also called home education or home school – is the education of children at home, typically by parents or guardians, rather than in a public or private school. Prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, with only a small portion of the population attending schools or employing tutors. Currently, the great majority of children in developed nations receive their formal education in public and private schools.

    In many places homeschooling is a legal option for parents who wish to provide their children with a different learning environment than exists in nearby schools. Some of these families make this choice on religious grounds.Many do it because of a dissatifaction with the schools in their area or with the institutional effect of school in general. It is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations and those who choose, for practical or personal reasons, not to have their children attend school.

    Homeschooling may refer to instruction in the home under the supervision of correspondence schools or umbrella schools. In some places, an approved curriculum is legally required if children are to be home-schooled.[1] A curriculum-free philosophy of homeschooling may be called unschooling, a term coined in 1977 by American educator John Holt in his magazine Growing Without Schooling.

    I hope you give this option for your child(ren) some thought. But remember, homeschooling doesn't work for everyone. It is what is right for you and your child(ren).

  4. be sure to go to  you will find alot of answers there!

  5. The first step is finding out your state’s laws:

    Then start thinkng about your goals for your child and ho he or she learns best.  Try to figure out HOW you want to teahch your child.  This is the homeschooling method:

    From there you choose a curriculum.  You may have to experiment a bit to find out what's best for you.

    Also look for a local support group for help understanding laws, social interaction, advice, etc.

    Good luck!

  6. Comply with the laws of your state, pick a program that satisifies your state and your needs and use it.

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