
What do you have to say about Sagittarius? ?

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I would like to get opinions on Sagittarius and yes that includes the not so good ones too! I know there are positives as well as negatives on all 12 signs, so I'm open to hearing all you have to say.


I'm a Sagittarius

December 18th!




  1. They're really friendly dad was a Sag and when he passed away last year, even the priest giving the mass was like "wow never in my LIFE have I seen a church this full..." there were over 300 people at his wake and funeral and the capacity was about 200. He had so many friends and was just a positive-easy going person. They forgive and forget pretty easily, but then again it all goes deeper into their natal charts. Overall, they're fun people to have around.

    Some bad things are they can get "butthurt" very easily and sometimes are not so reliable. They speak their minds out and sometimes can seem rude but that's only because they thought everyone else was thinking just like them. Haha they can become pretty careless of their possessions and money...and some  young Sagittarius men are pretty promiscuous and flirtative! If you're a strong adventurous person, you can keep them from wandering off though.

    One thing! They cannot stand to take order or any type of jealousy/possessiveness.

    Yuppp! Sags are fun :)

  2. Positive aspect when Sagittarius is dignified are are faith,reliance on a higher power, openess to grace and all that is good.Optimisim and open to self improvement.

    When Saggitarius is Debilitated he is over indulgant. A hypocrit when it comes to religion or philosophy. Laziness, making promises that may not be followed, little faith in life and negative outlook. A zealot.

    Thank you helen that too. As sag is a fire sign and bestial they do have tendacy to be blunt.

  3. They are the best sign in the zodiac! :) I am one of course!

  4. My friend is December 18th ;D

    I like Sagittarius people.My favorite teacher is one.

    The guy I like is one.

    So overall I like them <3

  5. more positive Sag's can be very entertaining, enlightening, charming, athletic, energetic (physically and mentally)....loyal, perseptive, empathetic, bold, honest, eager, curious, ...and more

    more negative qualities - decieving, manipulative, outspoken, rude without care, stubborn, lazy (physically and mentally), procrastinates, frivilous in love and relationships, let's emotions cause personal restraints from completing goals, ..... and more

    there are more but these were all I could think of off the top of my head - lol

  6. They're very real. Blunt, funny, optimistic, and sensitive

  7. Sagittarius people are very straight forward and honest. Thats what I love about them.

  8. i'm a sag and we're the best--we will get with you and your dog hehehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheh

  9. Don't like the women I meet in general. I am a capricorn so maybe the gender and starsign clash.

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