
What do you have to say about doomsday?? 2012??

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What do you have to say about doomsday?? 2012??




  1. Prepare for an apocalypse, if you dont educate yourself on it, you will die, I promise you that. You've been warned.

  2. There will be a Great Conjunction! Kira and I better get the crystal shard ready!

  3. Bullshit? Seriously, when was the last time the end of a calendar brought about anything other than a new year?

  4. I'm not sure i believe it.

    I kind of do because of the Aztec calendar,and them being correct on everything thats happened so far.

    but then,in the bible it says nobody knows,it's going to be unexpected.

  5. wait till december 21, 2012 you'll see. God takes us up when he wants to.

  6. It probably won't be our doomsday :P something might happen but I doubt it will be catastrophic  

  7. Well, I don't know for sure.  Sometimes I feel that something will happen and it will be doomsday and other times I feel that nothing will happen and it will be life as usual. All of the hype and rumors and shows on the History Channel can be very convincing when in a gullable mood.  :-)

    Supposedly, the earth will be in a special alignment on December 21, 2012 that can be catastrophic, something like the poles will shift...I don't remember exactly but boy would that be a bummer!! :-o

    As far as from a religious (mostly Christian belief) point of view, according to the Bible, there will be no warning, no one will know that it's coming, so it makes sense to me that it won't be on 12-21-2012 because it's been so widely speculated to happen on that day.  

    So, even though I do think that it could happen that day, realistically, I feel that nothing will happen and the earth will continue to exist well past 12-21-2012.

  8. Rumors come and rumors go.

  9. I thought the world was supposed to end 06/06/06 but it didn't.  Do I think doomsday is 2012? Nope.  If the world didn't end two years ago, then it most likely isn't going to end in 2012.  

    People really need to stop with these questions...

  10. Instead of asking that on here you could yahoo it and get a ton of the this question already asked and not waste your points but anyways, They say the Apocalypse is going to happen in Dec 2012 because that is the Month and Year the Aztec calendar ends. The Aztecs have made accurate predictions in the past and that's why everyone is scared, but the world is not going to end.

  11. i say, they got tired of making a calendar.

  12. same thing i said on new years 1999/2000 NOTHING WILL HAPPEN

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