
What do you have to say about these names?

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Sarah Palin (Republican running mate) has five children with unusual names:

Bristol, Piper, Track, Willow, and Trig.

Please read this:

and tell me your opinion.

Personally, I think Track, Trig, and Bristol are among the worst names I've heard in a long time. How do you feel about these names?




  1. She should have called the others Bath, Wells, Taunton and Exeter...

  2. I love Willow, I am considering this for a future daughter. Piper is ok though not something I would use. The others are awful.  

  3. I agree, Track (a place to run, race, etc.), Trig (a math class), and Bristol (a race track, a city, etc.) are terrible. Piper isn't so bad for a little girl, but it wouldn't suit a grown woman. I think it would make a better name for a pet. I actually like Willow, I think it's cute.

  4. Yes they are pretty bad names

    I wonder what Bristol will name her child

    Sarah Palin, never taught her daughter about how not to get pregnant, know she is 17 and having a baby

  5. I heard of her children's names and I was like "Poor kids, what AWFUL names!!"

    Bristol - Reminds me of "pistol"

    Piper - The only decent one

    Track - ??

    Willow - It's okay, but I wouldn't name my child this

    Trig - Ew.

    You would've never thought a woman, with a very traditional name, would name her kids those names...


  6. Track, Trig, and Bristol are definitely horrid. And Piper is nearly there. It's really more along the lines of nickname material.

    At least little Willow has a decent and normal name among the bunch.

  7. Willow is cute but the rest are stupid

  8. Track is just awful. So is Trig, it sounds like Trigonometry (the math) or Twig. I think it's stupid when people name there kids after places, no offence to anyone who does. Piper and Willow are somewhat cute names. I had actually never heard the name Willow up until a few days ago, after that it just popped up everywhere. On the contrary Sarah Palin's kids are really cute even though they don't look all that happy in the photo.

  9. Yeah, they are horrible.

  10. I don't like the names Track and Trig, but the others seem ok if people are looking for unusual names.

  11. Track and Trig are awful!!!

  12. Track & Trig.. I think are horrible names.. Bristol is bad too.. but not as bad at the 1st too & it's starting to grow on me (I would NEVER name my child that however)..  

  13. I like Palin, but these are strange names in my opinion.

  14. I personally don't like any of them, but thats just me.  I don't like weird names or trendy names.  And its not that I don't like gender neutral names, but I wanted names for my kids when someone looked at the paper with their name they knew if it was a boy or a girl.

  15. I like willow it reminds me of the woods all nice and peace full Bristol reminds me hard and fast paced. Track a runner Trig math.. i wonder sense names come from the parents if these might reflect Sarah's personality  

  16. First of all, they are her kids and she has her reasons for picking those names and if she cared what the rest of us thought she would have taken a poll. My kids' unusual names would fit right in that list. As a parent whose kids have offbeat names, I have to say it doesn't always matter what anyone else has to say about it and I honestly don't care if anyone else likes them. I have my reasons too. Some people have sentimental reasons (like myself), but some people just don't want another Kaylee or Maddison or Jacob. I do like most of her kids' names, but I still wouldn't be rude about them because I hate it when people are rude about my kids' names. If SHE wants to ask me what I think than I'll tell her, but otherwise it is just mean.

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