
What do you have to say about this headline, "Teenage Girls Make a Pact to Get Pregnant"?

by Guest32449  |  earlier

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  1. weird

  2. Parents need to be there for their children and guide them with  morals, self-respect and respect for others and hope that those lessons are instilled in them. It is very disappointing to know that this happened. If those CHILDREN want to bring another life into this world then they should raise them alone and bear the consequences of their senseless actions. To be frank, don't know why the h**l they would do something so stupid. And lastly the alleged men in their twenties that got some of them pregnant should be arrested.

  3. I Dont think it is true !

  4. i don't really care, ive already heard it over 80,000 times this morning

  5. Hi Joe,

    Can you say " NON-PARENTING SKILLS" or "PARENTS THAT DON'T CARE"......................................


    Christopher Farmer - "He said the girls are generally "girls who lack self-esteem and have a lack of love in their life."


    Christen Callahan, a former Gloucester High School student "said on NBC's "Today" show that some of the girls would ask her about her own pregnancy.

    "They would say stuff like, oh, I think my parents would be fine with it and they would help me, stuff like that,"

    Irregardless of the local economy or township in which they live - First and foremost - When having children? Parents need to be PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    It's not up to the local schools, family services, neighbors -- the responsibility is that of the PARENTS.........

    Sorry but getting pregnant will not get you pitty.... For now these girls and there child / children will now be on the burden of the tax payers when they apply for "Food Stamps and other services to which we as over burden tax payers will  have to pay"......


  6. I think it's the stupidest thing I have hard of recently.  

    Someone needs to intervene in this town, there's something that is affecting these girls.  Perhaps test their IQ's, they may need some sort of specialized care.  I really can't believe that this is a real story.  What is going on in the world?  The stupidity is dumbfounding.

  7. I read the article this morning. I find it very sad - these girls have no idea what they are doing. When I was in HS our pact was to all wear blue on Thursday's - lol. I have an 8 year old daughter and it makes me nervous about her growing up.

  8. Javaman, you already know my answer to this question. And you also know that it would be very unwise to disclose that answer here to all these readers. Hehe.

    BTW, have you noticed all the women who've answered this question? How about some guys' point of views here, huh?

    Oh, and I have not changed my mind since this morning. I'm still thinking the same way I was then. Sorry...I just am. ☺

  9. I'm like who cares. But if anymore need to get pregnant I'm available

  10. To quovazi up there.

    They have a support group now, but when their kids start to walk and talk and what not, and some don't get along with each other these girls are gonna be finding themselves in a rough spot.

  11. That is ridiculous those girls are obviously very stupid and unaware of the consequences. They obviously have been raised by rabbits.

  12. Yeah, I read the's pretty sad. Not only is it sad that the girls' lives are ruined, but they are bringing children into the world that they cannot take care of. Thus, the cylce of making poor decisions continues generationally.

  13. Crazy. What has this world come to. I realize that not all teenagers are bad, everyone was at one time, but girls like this are pretty much writting on their foreheads in permanent marker "I'M   A    f*****k I N G   r****d"!!!

  14. all i have to say to that is

    we live in a schrewed up world. you can't change that.

  15. i could absolutely not believe that it was an outrage i couldnt believe it ...MOTHERHOOD IS NOT A JOKE.... its not something you use to get attention with ..... i understand the reasoning behind it but NO dont bring innocent babies unneccisarrilly into this h**l hole of a world....

  16. Never underestimate the power of human creativity.

    It is pretty sickening and one of the girls got pregnant from a homeless man.  And it is also sickening that the news and media glamorize and give attention to it; they should just leave them alone to suffer the consequences of their "pact" and not give them any notoriety.  Without all the fanfare they would feel differently about it in a few years.

  17. I think this is one of the most disgusting stories I have ever heard!  I couldn't even believe what I was reading.  Do all these r****d children not have parents.  Like come one...for all of these girls to go out and have s*x, ugggh it's gross.  It's sad to think about all of the guys that slept with these children, considering most of them were probably in their early 20's...or homeless....BARF!  I am pretty harsh in my opinions, and I sincerely hope most of these girls have miscarriages and or die while giving birth....

  18. just plain stupid

  19. Only in the U.S.... evr think about that? It's only in America... not in Canada!!!

  20. Thats so scary....those poor girls. They have no idea that raising a child will consume your life (and not necessairily in a bad way) but they dont have the knowledge to comprehend what they are getting themselves into!

  21. That is a pretty sad view of people's morals that their parents are teaching them that they want to get preganant just like its a new trend or fad, they are babies that are bringing babies into this world and its horrible. They are 17 and should have a hobbie or wanting to go to college or something.

  22. Why do they WANT to get pregant? Retards..

  23. I'm going to end up homeschooling my children...

  24. das SO messed, but hey its their S****y life anyway! If ya cant feed em....dont breed em!

  25. That's why my children are homeschooled and society can thank "role models" like Jamie Lynn Spears for that one!

  26. Its not true.

  27. Cutting is a copy cat syndrome too.

  28. well im 17 and have a 10 month old and i think it's crazy i know that i was may too young but thats just stupid to make a pact over that.  I dont think that iy's right for the babies.

  29. OMG I heard about that on the radio this morning i could not believe it and you know some people are blaming Jamie Lynn Spears but i wouldn't necessarily put all the blame on her, I mean yes she was a role model to young girls and her announcing her pregnancy and soon to be wedding didn't help but I think a lot of it has to do with parenting, ya the school is in charge of your child for 8 hours of the day but you should know whats going on and what are these kids going to do with their futures? I hope they don't plan on getting on welfare because I would think it would be a waste of good tax payers money! They planned this pregnancy so they should have planned to get jobs I personally think that these girls are idiots and i heard that they were still partying, so I don't know what these parents are teaching them they should be in more control of their children! I had my son at 20 unplanned and it has been hard for me and my husband so I can only imagine how it is going to be for these girls who are going to be doing it by themselves... I'm sure these guys aren't going to be any help because one of them got pregnant by a 24 year old HOMELESS man! jeez what are these girls thinking!!

  30. they won't be going through it alone, they've built themselves a support group

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