
What do you have to shoot in a 18 hole round of golf to make a high school team??

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I am thirteen and shoot mid 80's to high 80's is that good enough




  1. well im a personal fan of golf and you should work on studying the green and the fairway and learn more about fades and draws.  if you can master those techniques then you will be ALOT closer to winning.  then you should try your drawback and try to keep it straight.  and if you can also master your power (how much power is in your drawback).  then you should finally go and take another shot at the course all 18.  if you can get into the 60's or 70's then you are ready.  then you go out for the team and do alot of practice and work on it as much as you can.

    if you mess up on some shots or games its allright, Tiger Woods has messed up before but he always makes a good comeback.

  2. Your scores are fine. Can you play on the High School team at age 13?

  3. It depends on how good your high school team is...but if you shoot mid eighties from the blues, or whever they play straight up you should at least make the jv team.  Like I said it really depends on the quality of your team and format or nub\mber of players that are allowed to compete.  plus if you keep playing you should get better and if you an get into the 70's you should be good to go for a long time.

  4. It depends. City and surburban golf are very different. Your current score would have you as one of the back golfers on your team (seeded 4-6 on a team of 6) but it would be enough to gaurentee you playing time. I know this because I play in the city, and most of hte people on my team and that I play against shoot in this range.

    Meanwhile, this probably wouldn't get you onto a surburban team. Maybe as a freshmen yes, but you wouldn't be playing in matches.

    I wish you the best of luck, but whatever you do, TRY-OUT! You have nothing to lose when trying out, even in the suburbs. The worst thing that could happen would be you not making the team.

  5. It depends on what the other guys on the team or trying out shoot. When I was a freshman I found the golf coach and told him I was interested in going out for the team. He asked what I shot and I told him mid to low 80's, he told me not to bother, he had 6 seniors on the team that all shot consistently in the 70's. He wasn't lying they won the CIF Championship that year. The next year I made the team and was the no. 1 golfer and captain. A couple of my friends made the team and they shot high 80's.

    So It depends a lot on the caliber of the other players, but I would definitely give it a shot, you got nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you don't make it keep practicing you got three more years.

    By the way by my sophomore year, I also was shooting in the 70's consistently.

  6. For most schools that'd be pretty good.  Don't know about a state championship contending team.  

    At my school you could get on shooting about 100.  At the school that won the state championship in 11th grade two towns over you had to average in the low 80's.  Most schools were in between.  It depends a lot on the competitiveness of the team.

    Man everybody else on here must've gone to the elite golf schools in America.  The guy above me said you need to draw, fade, and shoot in the 60's and low 70's?  I think he mistook high school golf for the PGA Tour.

    By the way, both of the schools I specified were suburban schools, since the guy above said they were different.  And they were both in the same division (5A, the biggest in my state).

  7. Most of the 6 people that will make a high school team in our area shoot from par (72) to 8-10 over par.  To make state, either your team goes, or you would go if you are close to even par.  So your target should be mid-70's.  That would be best for you, and your team.

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