
What do you have to shoot to get a golf scholarship to wake forest?

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  1. Most of the better college golfers who attend schools which produce the strongest teams are scratch (0) handicaps to plus 1 to 4 which means their average of the best 10 of the last 20 scores is from 1 to 4 under par. I believe a copy of Golf Digest within the last year or so graded the many college teams  in various divisions depending on the size of the student bodies.

  2. I don't think just "shooting a score" will get you on @ Wake. Wake is one of the top golf schools in the country. I think Arnold Palmers grandson Sam(?) goes there. I think you'd have to have a pretty good junior record, have a PLUS handicap, and to be a scholar, as Wake churns out some excellent graduates, and finally YOU would have to be a good "fit" for the school. Also, the other person who answered this question is correct on the Golf Digest article, as it was a whole article devoted to college golf.

  3. dude you cant just say i have a 0 hadicap so i should play for you. if you want to play D1 golf you have to have won national tournaments, local tournaments and high school tournaments to even consider you. handicap wise anyone can have a 0 it is how honest you post scores so schools have to have you prove you are good. also the first answer is wrong you have to have a hadicap below par, above 0 will not cut it at all.

  4. Below par.

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