
What do you hear (possible evp?)/?

by  |  earlier

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My first time to try this and only asked a few questions. After one there was a garbled sound on the recording, when I slowed it down a little this was the result. I'll Post the Question I asked after I get some answers as I don't want to influence you.




  1. maybe electronic interference, it sounds almost like its going to repeat the first two parts again. what did you record it on? that or it sounds like someone babbling c**p in a voice modifier from WAL*MART.

  2. "Do you want fries with that?"

  3. Dude, that could've been almost ANYTHING.

  4. well its kind of creepy if you didnt hear that sound when you were recording, but i am not sure. Maybe ghost, maybe bad recorder. the world will never know.

  5. I honestly heard nothing intelligible in that clip.

  6. Sorry. I listened 3 or 4 times and couldn't hear anything but a scraping sound.

  7. I only hear a shuffling / snap sound.

  8. Hi,

    I listened carefully 4 or 5 times. It sounds to me like a muffled voice saying:

    >>>>>>>>>>"Mask the tower with my sig-nal"

    That seems to be what I heard.

  9. please let me know what it says by email.  It sounds like someone is walking in high grass to me.  I could not hear the sound of a voice.

  10. It happens so fast it's hard to say.  It does have a definite rhythm to it.

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