
What do you honestly think about..??

by  |  earlier

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I've started taking a birth control pill called Aviane. I've been on this pill for about 3 days now. I take it every night at around 11:30 ish at night before I go to bed. I had no side effects so far but today I had a slight pain on the left side of my stomach.

I also had diarrhoea at around 6ish tonight. Its been about 18 hours since I took the pill so I'm wondering if the diarrhoea I had could be because of the pill I took last night.

What do you think??




  1. I think your a baby killer!!!!!

    Naw I'm just messing with you, I don't know. Read up the side effects and listen to someone who knows.  

  2. talk to your doctor..

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