
What do you hope are the most important lessons your child will learn from you as they grow up?

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What do you hope are the most important lessons your child will learn from you as they grow up?




  1. To always feel good about themselves and have self worth but not at the expense of others.  To repesct themselves and others and to be self sufficient but to know how important being surrounded by people that truly love and care about them is!

  2. Kindness/compassion


    Strong work ethic


    Confidence / security - to have a mind of her own (she's 16 months old and she already has a mind of her own, LOL)

  3. 2 respect himself and ladies

    help me

  4. I'm stilling "growing up" I guess, but I have to say (not to boast of course) that I hope my children grow up to be like me- or somewhat close anyway.

    I want them to be responsible, open-minded, educated, and respect other people and animals, as well as themselves. (and that's what I live by.)

  5. To respect others no matter how different they are.  

  6. Always be honest no matter what.

    Respect, yourself and others.

    Never take life too seriously that you miss all the fun!

  7. Respect yourself, respect others, if you can't have fun doing what you do, don't do it, put the toilet seat down ~ the ladies will appreciate it, and don't forget your parents while they are alive.  

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