
What do you hope to be doing 5 years from now?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to be expanding my own business (haven't even started yet)




  1. 5 years from now ,get the good job get new car married of course and have kids insya allah

  2. Enjoying life as much as I do now.

  3. well married to my fiance maybe a kid and maybe going up a rank at the police department

  4. I want to be working my way to opening my own restaurant

  5. Working for the sultan of Brunai as a licenced aircraft engineer

  6. Five years from now Id like to be married or at least engaged!

    Id love to open up my own livery yard and leave my current job as an office manager, to go full time into horses.


  7. going to collage = ]

  8. hopefully 2 more children and enjoying my life as always with my husband and family.

    i would also like to have completed my studies

  9. Enjoying my Career, and enjoying my life. Each day is a gift, and never take that for granted.

    God Bless,


  10. Hopefully I will be studying abroad! :D

  11. level 7 in yahoo answers..


    the dream continues...

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