
What do you know about 9/11?

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What do you know about 9/11?




  1. ..that it was a tragic event..

  2. if you need help call 911 on 9/11 alot of people died and people lost loveones i dont any one that died on that day but iam sorry that it did your guys are in my heart that day was not a good day and i hope you know that you will see your loveones someday

  3. Too many people lost their lives to and too many people

    had their hearts broken. The terrorist who hijacked those

    planes changed the lives of millions!!

    Time seemed to stop and people put aside their

    fears and differences to do what they could to help

    those affected by the traggity!! to help repair what had

    been lost.

  4. watch zeigeist

  5. Honestly? Not much. I was in Kindergarten at the time. I thought it would have been cool to live next to the twin towers. But I knew something was seriously wrong when it was all over the news. I just didn't pay much attention. What kind of 5 year old pays attention to the news? I know that a lot of airplanes were hi-jacked, they crashed them and everybody died. Thats all I know really. I saw that movie about it. I hated it so much. It was good though. It just scared me a lot.

  6. twin towers fell

    i was in 1st grade

  7. I know the official story is a pack of lies. I know that peeps inside the govt. were involved in it. It's obvious to anyone not wearing white wooley coats in summer.

  8. osama bombed the twin towers and people died.

    i dont really know the full story, please share :)

    i live in ny and i was in the 4th grade and we had a lock in and i chilled in the school until school ended. it was basically a regular day at school.

  9. I was in the fifth grade when it happened, I actually live a few hours away from NYC, right after announcements at 8:45am we were still sitting at our desks. Then around 9am we were all taken to the lowest level of the school and the TV was put on.

    I know that Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden planned the attacks. And I know too many good Americans died. No matter how bad they think Americans are.. we didn't deserve it.

  10. terrorists had been practicing flying in Florida for a while to prepare for this attack. terrorists (in osama bin laden's gang) were on an airplane on 9/11/01. one of them killed (or just injured) the pilot and took over the plane (which they could do, because they took those flying lessons) and ran the plane into the world trade center (the twin towers) in New York City. all of the passengers in the plane died.

    on the news, you could see people jumping out of the towers to try to save their lives. some people were jumping from the 100th floor, or some ridiculously high floor number. they probably died trying to save themselves. others were killed instantly when the plane ran into the buildings. it was VERY chaotic that day.

    i remember going to a special mass that morning, and our teacher from New York crying hysterically.

    because of 9/11, we now have all of these rules about things that we can or cannot bring on an airplane (no liquids! i mean, come on!). i really wish they hadn't attacked us.

    bush used this attack to declare war to go look for housain (even though housain had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. now our whole country is screwed up.

    ha ha, sorry if that is a little more info than you wanted. hope this helps :)

  11. Quite a bit every time we get to choose a topic for essays and assignments I choose 9/11 and the War on terrorism. I recommend watching the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11.

  12. It's over I know that.

    It has made history I know that too.

  13. Well seeing that I lived in NY when it happened...I worked at a school and all of the students were let out early.  Then for several months after that horrible day we would get bomb threats called in to our district on a weekly basis.  Really made me mad.

  14. I was asleep in bed when it happened and my Mum came in and woke me up at 5am telling me to get up because this would be an important day in history. I live in New Zealand. I was 11.

    So I got out of bed, watched the news. Saw the same videos over and over again. Then went to my orthodontist appointment and then went to school. We watched the news all day instead of doing class work.

    Osama Bin Ladin has taken responsibility for the event, however there are many different theories. Google it.


  15. Too much. Too many people close to me got hurt.

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