
What do you know about Bush's wiretapping??

by  |  earlier

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when? where? why? how?




  1. well he knows I ordered a pizza today and talked to my mother.

  2. I know it's used against known terrorists.  Loyal Americans have nothing to fear.

  3. Its unConstitutional and violated the 4th Amendment.  Its illegal and was underway long before September Eleventh Two Thousand One.

    This is how dictators behave.

  4. Started before 9/11. Across the USA and internationally. To keep tabs on the domestic liberal threat. All technological tools available.

  5. I think he put the tap on Matthews leg and gave it a tingle, he thought it was Obama. d**n Carter people dont even know where there tingle is coming from.

  6. He sits in the basement of the White House listening to you and your cousin discuss Maxi pads.


  7. I haven't seen him mess with any wires at all. Have you?

  8. He blatantly violated laws that required court approval via warrant.  They claimed that they couldn't act fast enough under those restrictions, but in the entire history of the FISA court, they approved thousands, and only denied something like five.

    Also not mentioned by the right-wing liars is the fact that, if they felt the situation was dire enough that they might lose information before getting a warrant, the law allowed the to start tapping IMMEDIATELY, and to get retroactive approval after the fact.

    Bush admitted to carrying out the program, which was in violation of the law of the land.

    Bush broke the law, crapped on the Constitution, and was proud of it.  He started trolling for information on AMERICAN CITIZENS, NOT TERRORISTS, 6 months BEFORE 9/11.

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