
What do you know about Elmshorn in Germany?

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What do you know about Elmshorn in Germany?




  1. They have a Baseball team called the Alligators, and there really good!

  2. Elmshorn, located 32 km north of Hamburg at the small river Krückau, close to the Elbe river, is the sixth-largest city in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

    Elmshorn was mentioned and recovered authentic for the first time 1141,1870 city rights.  In the 19th century was operated of Elmshorn out of like also of several other cities at the lower Elbe and the navigable tributaries whale capture.  

    In the second world war and to the reunification, Elmshorn possessed a strategic function as a train junction and telecommunication junction.  Over the envoy radio place of the Federal Postal Administration, the total Fernsprechverkehr was completed formerly after oversea.  

    Herauszuheben is that Elmshorn freed itself 1945 of the national socialists themselves.  Shortly before end of the war and in the certainty of the early British invasion, the mayor was dropped of the citizens.  As a symbol of the task, white flags were hung out of the windows.

  3. The town is well known for a yearly celebration called "Hafenfest" and the famous german rapper "Das Bo" grown up in the adjacent village Horst (host of the show pimp my fahrrad / pimp my bicycle on MTV). I'm not kidding.

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