
What do you know about IRAN?

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HOLD IT!!! no cheating on this one. Don't start searching on the web for the answer. Tell who told you or how you know this...for example: news, books, friends, or anything in between.




  1. Iran is a country is all i can say =D

    but actually i know more lol, they have a nuclear program and america is against it and russia is supplying them and thats all i know.

  2. Freed the jews, h**l i dont even know why... Look what we get back, american/israeli bull ****.

    They had the first "great"; Cyrus the Great

    Created the first 5+ multi ethnic group empire.

    Created the first guitar like instrument, tar means string in persian.

    Created the first Grape-wine, 4500 years old, north eastern iran.

    Created the first "bank"

    Created the sport polo

    Created the first perfume, than spread by arabs to spain, than to europe.

    Created the first "brick"

    They have one of the oldest monothestic religions,, people still practise


    Had empires that everyone got paid, and no slavery.

    In their empires everyone was allowed to practice their religion.

    Perfected the shisha/nargile/hookah/gehyloon, the idea was made in idea, but the actually "water pipe" was perfected by persians.

    Perfected the game "chess", but the idea came from indians.

    Wrestling originates in persia, and still today people practice very old style of wrestling.

    The first "coin" appeared in persia around 800 b.c, but their might be older coins that have never been found. :P

    Famous for the persian carpets.

    They created the first wheel.

    The word "condom" comes from the persian word "kondu" A long vessel from the intestines of animals and used for storing for corn. hahaa

    I can write about 10 pages, if you want more, email me/info...

    Im iranian, and i got this from researching...

  3. I know that if they try anything stupid, Israel will turn that place into a kitty litter box.

  4. I can read here that everyone is ignorant about Iran. The question is "what do you know about Iran", not what is Iran.

    These stupid Americans who are too sympathetic towards Israel are quiet naive, seriously. They only believe what their media tells them and NOTHING MORE. This is the same people that listed Nelson Mandela, Mahatna Ghandi and other as terrorists.

    HOPELESS, and always dying for the wrong cause in the wrong side of the world. One day, you will realize.

    I am not Iranian, but strongly support what Iran is and stands for. The only and current ISLAMIC NATION that is brave enough to stand to against current super powers.  

  5. Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map. Iran is supporting terrorism such as Hamas, Al Queda, etc....and sending trained terrorists to Iraq and Gaza. Iran has now built more centrifuges for nuclear weapons. Iran has not stopped building sanctions when told to by the UN. The Iranian president doesn't tell the truth to the U.S. and the UN but tells a totally different story to the Iranian people. The Iranian president doesn't believe in the Holocaust. Iran has sent a 'dummy' satellite into the skies. Iran is a threat not only to Israel, but also to the U.S. Oh, forgot one, Iran doesn't have a chance with destroying Israel because Israel will get Iran first and along with America's help and support! Iran is still waiting for their Mahdi. Iran is Anti-semitic. The whole list goes on and on and on. And people, do watch the movie 'Fitna' on and you will see what I am talking about.

  6. it is a axis of evil.

  7. I know they DONT have a nuclear weapons program, and I KNOW that all the sht they pull are DEFENSIVE maneuvers that any country being constantly threatedn by an aggressive super power would do

  8. okay...y do u want to know? i don't know much except that it's in Asia, close to Iraq, not agreeing w/ our govt. about revealing the location of its 'nuclear weapons' and we might end up invading. It's also on less than cordial terms with Israel, whom we have 'always' stood by. The whole israel-palestine is getting old. why not call it Istine and let everybody live there? Well, there you go, my uneducated view...what do u know?

  9. Is colonel gadaffi not in charge over there 'i think it's close to Iraq,Kuwait and the rest of those arabian countries,are they the ones who are trying to make nuclear bombs from raw plutonium that should be for a power plant

  10. Iran is weak

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