
What do you know about Karl Marx and his body of work? *10 points to best theoretical understanding*?

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I'm trying to find informaton on Marx's "value change theory" and if possible how it compares to his "historical materialism"? And in what works can i find that in?

I think it's in capital, vol 1, but there's so much to go through and all i need is a quick understanding of the concept.

I know there's an article on the net that specifically addresses this, but I don't have access to the full article.

I appreciate any help you can send my way!




  1. open wikipedia on the net n u will get all the stuff u need

    njoy n xplore

  2. What u may have read in capital vol. 1 could be summarize as such; Since he is the father of social communism, his value change theory could be that social change is and will be successful if the urban poor  wherin the masses belongs to, is to be undertaken first, and that when the urban poor\s problems are all beingsettled, thenb both the poor and the rich will live in social equality and equal rights for both.

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