
What do you know about Ma Ni Pad Me Hun?

by Guest59887  |  earlier

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This is a question mainly for these that like talismans and amulets.




  1. 1) (physical realtiy) - (empirical reality) = faith

    2) Faith is a null set.

    3) Be your own cause.  Be responsible for your actions.  You are god.

    4) In the whole of human history across the entire planet not one deity, not one religion, not one philosophy has volunteered Novocain.  It is a telling omission.

  2. In Sandskirt, it translates to Behold the jewel of the lotus.

  3. Ma and Pad Kettle were husband and wife in a series of movies.

  4. I'm pretty sure that it's a Buddhist mantra.

  5. It's Om mani padme hum.  It's a mantra, a phrase that is repeated during meditation.  The repitition of a phrase is supposed to help clear the mind of extraneous information.  This is central to Buddhist meditation.

    The phrase is Sanskrit, and is generally translated as "OM. The jewel is in the lotus. Hum."  Many people associate this with s*x.  There is a type of Buddhism called Tantra that involves prolonged sexual intercourse without o****m as a means to enlightenment.  Om and Hum are similar to the Greek/Christian concept of Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end sounds.

  6. i think that is something related to Sumerian language

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