
What do you know about n***s?

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I am in the middle of reading 'Black Order' by James Rollins, and I have learned A LOT I didn't know about them. I want to see if you guys already knew what I didn't know, or if you are in the dark as much as I am. And yes, I do know about the Holocaust, and Hitler, and all of the general knowledge facts. This is not meant to offend anyone, I just didn't realize there was so much more to them. And this does not make them seem like better people to me, by any means. Please, no rude answers. If you don't have a real answer, don't bother answering!




  1. . n***s were sadistic monsters and those now old ought to be  put in asylums. . I   was disgusted when I came across what the n***s did  that. How can one explain such treatment. The n**i  doctor maintained his innocence claiming that allegedly these women would have been killed irrespectively. and so the fact that they were eventuallyafter being raoed to  cut them up to see how the rapes affected them is to be monstrous. Further,  after the war the doctor continued allegedly well rewarded for his contribution to medical science. Similarly , other German doctors who performed monstrous medical expriments on human beings claimed that they were told that the human specimens they used were doomed to be killed anyhow  so they may as well use  them first for their "medical research."The irony is that today it seems the results of such "medical experiments"on human beings is studied  and allegedly  led to advance in medecine!!!                                                                                          n**i Rape "Research"

       on Jews and Gypsies


       Although countless women were

       raped in the prison camps, some

       of the doctors would ask for

       healthy women for the purposes

       of raping them, cutting out their

       reproductive organs and then

       murdering them. One such doctor

      Rape "Research" on was Dr. Hermann Stieve (1886-1952)

      Jews and Gypsies of the Institute of Anatomy at

       the University of Berlin (3).


       Dr. Stieve would request women

       for experiments claiming that he

       wanted to study their bodies for

       anatomy (autopsies) and to see

    could handle "stress" or if they were "weak" reproductive systems. When Dr. Stieve was granted his prisoners for his research, he would have the prison guards rape the Jewish and Gypsy women. Whether Dr. Stieve and others from the University of Berlin participated as well is unknown.

    After the women had been raped, then were killed in the concentration camps and their bodies were given back to Dr. Stieve for the purposes of anatomical studies, mainly of the reproductive systems of the raped women. Dr. Stieve would claim to be tracing the path of sperm in the uterus and fallopian tubes of the raped women on the autopsies. In other cases he claimed to see if the reproductive organs could handle "stress" of being raped upon autopsy (2, 3, 4, 5).

    Dr. Hermann Stieve actually published his "research" based on the rapes of the women and he claimed that because he had done autopsies on raped women, that supposedly all women were inferior to men and had "weak" reproductive systems that could "easily be injured."

    After WWII, Dr. Stieve continued to teach anatomy at the University of Berlin and no charges were ever brought against him. He gave countless lectures to the students at the university about raping the women in the prison camps and "women's" weakness of their reproductive systems. Instead, the Berlin Charite Hospital honored Dr. Stieve on behalf of his research on women's reproductive systems. They awarded him with a bust/statue of him on the university and an entire lecture hall was named after him at the University of Berlin (1, 2, 4, 5).  The following was  found on the internet and I quote " I did several years research on the anatomist Prof. Dr. Hermann Stieve (1886-1952), whose name you list there with the remark "Fate unknown". H. Stieve died as a distinguished professor of anatomy in Berlin. ""


    1. Berlin University Professors: Hermann Stieve

    2. Medicine and Murder in the Third Reich

    3. n**i Doctors

    4. Nuremberg Lamentation

    5. Nuremberg Lamentation: The Forgotten Victims


    There is a lot of information about religious aspects of nazism :)

    P.S. I send you a message in yahoo messenger, PLEASE open it now and look into it!! I have got much more info for you!

  3. Amazing answers so far.  I can't top those ones.  I just want to add how unfortunate it is that people are encouraged to only think bad about Germans, and yet have the same or similar values, attitudes, behaviours and think they themselves are innocent, just because they have no German heritage.  I've been surprised to hear non-German, even allied vets say antisemitic things, and yet we're told they saved us from those values staying in the world.  We're made to believe that the Allies went to Europe to stop the holocaust, but if you look at historical films and literature from that time, and from the things I've heard from vets, they didn't, they went to kill Germans and stop their expansionism.  We also need to prevent a holocaust ever happening again anywhere in the future, and it won't be prevented if we only blame Germans of that time and deny that it could happen here in the future.  I've also seen so many anti-religious Questions and Answers right here on Yahoo, making it look like an anti-christian holocaust could fester and happen.   We need to be vigilant about n**i-type attitudes and values happening in the ww2's victor countries, not self-righteously only pointing fingers at Germany of the past and discriminating at them now.  

  4. The so called Nazies were in fact not Nazies. n**i is short for National Socialism.  The Nazies were nationalistic (obviously), but they wer not socialists.  They practiced free enterprise, socialists in fact deprive private ownership in favor of everything being govt owned and controlled (no judgement - just fact).

    The n**i party never obtained power via elections - in fac in the 1932 elections they lost seats in their govt to the communists and Hitler lost to Hindenburg in the prez race for the second time.  Hitler was put in power by Hindenburg as a counter to the threat from the communists who were gaining in power in the German govt.  How many times have you heard the lie that Hitler and/or the n**i party were votted into power?  PURE BS!!!!!!  Look it up if you doubt it.  Also Hitler had NO intention of wiping out the jews.  He in fact simply wanted to remove them from Europe and in FACT had planned to place them in their own country after he won WW2.  He planned to make Madagascar an island off the SE coast of Africa their homeland.  In all probability he knew little if anything about the "holocaust" which was a creation of his subordinates Borman, Himmler, Heydrich, Eichman among others.  Doubt it - read Mein Kampf.  As for murdering Hitler is only number 3 on the all time greatest murder lists.  Stalin is second (Soviet Union), Mao Tse Tung is top dog (China).  Guess what those two were our allies in WW 2!!!

    Sorry I am a lousy typist - spelling mistakes.

    Here is some more:

    Hitler only wanted to destroy the communists and grab land for the German people to gain living space which he called Lebenstraum in the east ie Soviet Union.  He in FACT offered Churchill a peace plan in which he would withdraw from his conquests in the west, France, Norway, Denmark, Belgium and the rest in exchange to have a peace in the west and a free hand to attack the Soviet Union without the fear of the western countries attacking Germany while he was conquering the Soviets.  But the Churchill would not agree to this incredible peace offer!!!!  If he had there would not have been a second WW just a local war between Germany and Russia.  People will claim Hitler could not be trusted to keep this peace treaty - this is nonsense as it would be Hitler withdrawing from lands he already had conquered and allowing the defeated western powers to have their lands back!  The only govts that could violate this peace would be the western allies if they did not keep their word to not attack Germany.  This is just common sense.  As for those who claimed Hitler violated his word when he stated he would make no more territorial demands after he was given the Sudetenland - he did not lie by demanding the Danzig Corridoer as he already stated years earlier that he wanted all German territory taken from Germany after WW 1 returned.  So the demand for Danzig was NOT a new territorial demand.

    As for the rest of the history of the Nazies and WW2 just remember this - the victors write the history and they also teach the history - all making themselves look like saviors when the facts show they were by far the greater mass murderers and the peoples that caused a second world war.  Another example FDR strangling the Japanese economy.  True the j**s were FAR from innocent BUT again it was a local war - NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!

  5. I haven't read the novel, "Black Order" by James Rollins, so I don't know what is says about the n***s or how true it is to actual history.

    Key elements of the n**i ideology:

    The National Socialist Program

    The rejection of democracy, and consequently abolishing political parties, laborunions, and free press.

    Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) as a total belief in the leader (responsibility up the ranks, and authority down the ranks)

    Extreme Nationalism


    Strong show of local culture

    Social Darwinism

    Defense of Blood and Soil (German: "Blut und Boden" - represented by the red and black colors in the n**i flag)

    The Lebensraum policy of creation of more living space for Germans in the east

    Nazism and race, Racial policies of the Third Reich and n**i eugenics:



    The creation of a Herrenrasse (or Herrenvolk) (Master Race = by the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life; A department in the Third Reich)).

    Aryan Supremacism; more specifically, ranking of individuals according to their race and racial purity, with the Nordic race favoured the most

    Limited freedom of religion ( Point #24 in the National Socialist Program )

    Rejection of the modern art movement and an embrace of classical art

    Association with Fascism or Totalitarianism

  6. the n***s were a bunch of brainwashed gits that were depley devoted to hitlers ideas and his n**i policies  

  7. The book is a science fiction type novel.  He bases much of the plot around "the bell" which may have been a planned n**i gravity project.  Much of this he bases on a book by Cook in "The Hunt for Zero point".

    Regardless of if it actually was real or not, it is very true that the n**i's, like the Japanese, were pioneers in many before their time projects.

    The n**i's had an above and beyond lead in aviational principles, mainly rocketry.  It is no surprise that the n**i VonBraun became NASA's main man after the war.  It was Germany during those years that had pioneered the first launch of a projectile outside of the earths immidiate sub-orbit.  The n**i's had all kinds of both useful and useless concepts based on both scientific theories and plain strange "mystical" projects.

    I would not use the book though as a historical guide to the n**i developments.

  8. Of course they were more than what the public thinks. USA kissed the Soviet's *** so they wouldn't be beat in the war, The holocaust is a bubble blown up, and I think it's time for it to burst. NO, I DON'T deny the holocaust, but compared to the russian crimes, it's nothing. Everyone is taught that they are nothing but jew killers and racists, while it's really not like that. It brought order to the country, it still is alive today, and right wing politics are getting more popular, especially in Europe, which is a good thing, knowing it's the opposite of communism. I don't want to discuss the popular facts, but the world will still learn about how much worse the Soviets were than the n***s. If countries put as much effort into defeating russia as they did with Germany, we'd all be in a much better place today. I still don't get why UK and USA opposed Germany rather than becoming allies.

  9. ~What exactly is your question?

    The National Socialist movement came about as a direct result of the Treaty of Versailles, was a tremendous response to the German Communist Party and probably saved German independence in the 30s. Hitler and the party did more for Germany in 5 years than has been done for any nation by any party or movement at any other time in world history. Then, of course, there was the downside, but that too traces directly back to Versailles. One can only wonder what Europe would look like today if the National Socialists had not defeated the German Communist Party (the KDP) and then, via Operation Barbarossa, caused Joe Stalin to spend his national treasury many times over and 25% of his population to defeat them for the rest of the world. That alone may be the National Socialists greatest contribution to Western Civilization as we know it.

    The scientific advances of the n***s helped put Neil Armstrong on the moon (see Werner Von Braun) brought in the jet age, gave the world a head start in synthetic fuels that, if followed, would have you paying less than a buck a gallon at the pumps today and pushed medical science ahead by decades.

    Max Schmelling handed Joe Louis (Barrow) his first loss but that doesn't count because Max wasn't a n**i.

    I daresay you know very little of the Holocaust. For instance:

    Hitler probably knew nothing of the Himmler/Heydrich Einsatzgruppen until well after they started slaughtering people. It was Himmler who decided that the exploits of the Einsatzgruppen were probably bad for the morale of the troops and he, Heydrich and Goehring developed the Death Camps without input from Hitler. Hitler approved them only after they had been built and operations were started and he authorized the disclosures made at the Wansee Conference but the camps were not his idea.

    Jasenovak, the third busiest death camp, is seldom mentioned - especially in Holocaust discussions - because only about 15% of the victims there were Jewish.

    Jews represented only about half of the people killed in the Death Camps and fewer than 1/3 of those who died in the Concentration Camps. The Concentration Camps were based on American and British models. The very name was borrowed from the British. The n***s wanted to use the British Plan to relocate Jews to Madagascar. The Brits were in favor of doing so if they did it but they and the French and Soviets blocked the German effort to do it. Hitler and Himmler agreed as late as May 1940 that mass killings were "a Bolshevik' solution and not the German way. Since everyone else in Europe wanted to be rid of the Jews (and throughout history, at least after the ascendancy of the Catholic Church, had done its best to rid Europe of them), no one really cared much what the n***s were doing after Chelmno opened for business in December, 1941 even though they had irrefutable proof, thanks to Jan Karski, by May. '42 of the existence and purpose of the Death Camps.

    Operation 14f13 (the euthanasia program) only lasted for about 16 months and it was terminated by Himmler himself in the Spring of '43. Auschwitz II (Birchenwald) continued operations for almost another year, but only half of the victims gassed there were Jewish. Of the Jews sent there (and to the other camps including both the Death and Concentration camps), many Jews would have been sent there had they not been Jewish.  Only about 2.5 million Jews died in the death camps, not the 6 million you keep hearing about.

    Of the 18 million who died in the concentration camps (there is a huge difference between a concentration camp and an extermination camp), only about 3.5 million were Jews.  Those 3.5 million bring the Jewish total to 6 million, but Concentration Camp deaths should not be equated with 'Holocaust' murders.

    Many of the n***s and SS officers who were involved in the camps, probably the most infamous being Alois Brunner, were part of the Gehlen Organization which was recruited by the OSS during and after the war and absorbed into the CIA after it was created.  If you follow the exploits of CIA since 1947, the  US/CIA death toll rivals that of the n***s.  

    The genocide against the Jews was far less complete than that against the Romani and the Serbs.

    So what new and exciting facts did YOU discover?

    The Neocon Republicans remind me an awful lot of the National Socialists of 1931 - and their rhetoric is frighteningly similar. Heil the Patriot Act and kill for peace.

  10. yes i know all about it.  i was 16 when war ended and i used to see pictures in the news reels at the movies of the actual people and the " ovens" and the train box cars with people packed in so close they couldnt sit down on way to concentration camps

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