What do you know about SINGLE PARENT ADOPTION? HOW do I begin the PROCESS of ADOPTING a NEWBORN girl? or a YOUNG GIRL? For those of you who have read my previouse quesitons, you know that I am the proud father of three (3) boys; (two (2) first year College Students and one (1) High School Student) HOWEVER; I WANT A LITTLE GIRL! I want a little girl! I am a 51 y/o divroce male who wants to be a daddy to "My little girl!" Riddle Me This: (1) What are the qualifictions for single parent adoption? (2) Where do I go to start the process of single parent adoption? (3) How long does the process last? (4) Is there an application fee? (5) What is the probability (divorce 51 y/o male living alone) That I will ever be able to adopt a little girl? I am running out of time, even IF I ADOPT a little girl this year, I will be 68 y/o when she graduates from High School! Help out people! Talk to me!