
What do you know about Senator Biden?

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All I can find on the net is his 30 years experience. Is experience all he has to offer?

I want his schools, degrees, family history...




  1. Can't you contact his Senate office?  They should have something.  Although it is negative, he was caught plagarizing a speech of a UK politician years ago.  

  2. He is Catholic, Married and went to the University of Delaware.

    That's all you need to know.

    Obama bin Biden 2008

  3. I know he voted for the Iraq war

    And just a few months ago saw Obama as " unfit" to be Commander in Chief

  4. Search for "Joe Biden Biography" in Google.  

    Wikipedia talks about Joe Biden and his life before he was a Senator.

  5. Like most of his generation he dodged the Viet Nam draft with a medical deferment for wheezing.  Pathetic.

  6. He does seem to have common sense. He is strong on foreign affairs. He is really good friends with McCain.  

  7. Goggle his name  and it is all there for you to look up.  Anything else

    blow your nose, hold your hand, tie your shoe?

  8. Look him up on wikipedia.

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