
What do you know about airedales?

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My mom is getting one on Saturday. She's always wanted one. Its a female and its going to be 6 weeks old on Saturday when she gets it. She wants it to be an outside dog. They have 5 acres of land for it to run around and play on. Is it a good idea for it to be an outside dog? And any tips or anything about airedales?




  1. Right off the bat, acquiring a dog at six weeks is a bad idea and illegal in many states. Puppies need to be a minimum of eight weeks before leaving their littermates and dam.

    Airedales are a terrier breed and tend to be energetic, outgoing, feisty, hard headed and extremely loyal dogs. They require regular grooming to keep their coats from matting. They love to dig and love to investigate noises and sounds, so a very secure fenced yard is a must.

    They are wonderful family pets and very good with children. For more information about the breed and how to find a GOOD breeder (one who does not sell six week old pups) please visit the Airedale parent club website:

  2. Yes, definitely for outside.  They want to run all the time, they're very high energy for being a big dog.  They're so pretty too!  Sometime they're given to skin allergies but that's all I can think of.

  3. 1.  It is two weeks too young to be away from it's mother and littermates

    2. Airedales are terriers.  I love terriers - but I am not blind to their "faults".  If you expect this dog to only be an outside dog, it will kill any small animal it can get a hold of - cats included.  That's what terriers do - they kill vermin, and they have an extremely high prey drive

    3. Airedales are not recommended for novice owners - they are very smart, very strong and very hard-headed (like all terriers)

    4. If you go ahead and get this dog - make sure you find a great trainer to help you.  Terriers do not make good dogs when left untrained!

    Add: Then the breeder told you wrong.  I repeat - terriers left to their own devices will find ways of entertaining themselves - if outside, this will most likely include killing things.  And digging.


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