
What do you know about being a hypermiler to save fuel?

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Hypermilers are able to double a car's normal peak fuel mileage.




  1. This is dangerous, especially in the braking department.  For example, the technique suggest to select neutral and turn off the engine, and work the brakes to stop.  However, this could lead to a loss of control because the engine also provides power to the master cylinder to assist in braking, especially downhill.

  2. Just slowing your speed would save lots of fuel. It's hard to do though since if you even drive the speed limit which is too high, you will get your doors blown off.

  3. I'm with Joseph C.  Some of that stuff is dangerous.  Putting my life, and the lives of others, on the line for a few extra miles on a gallon is foolish indeed.  In the greater scheme of things, we have a bigger problem than gas mileage.

    Hannah J Paul

  4. Many aspects of hyper-miling are downright dangerous.  Over inflated tires can and do blow without notice.  Drafting behing large trucks (semis) is deadly.  You would NEVER have time to stop.

    Simply keeping tires at the recommended psi, not leap frog take offs, and staying in the 45-55 mph range will save lots of gas.

    Taking public transportation when able is also very good.

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