
What do you know about botany and job opportunities for it?

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and the education required?




  1. There are numerous careers that can be fulfilled with a degree in botany.

    Research scientist in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, pharmaceuticals, plant pathology

    Plant geneticist (genetic engineering of plants to produce enzymes, hormones, and other important biological molecules)

    Professor in colleges and universities

    Agriculture inspector of imported products along the border and ports of entry (ship ports, airports)

    Plant ecologist

    Paleontologist (Paleobotany)

    Salaries vary depending upon government or private industry.

  2. It really depends on what you want to do.  The more education you have, the more in charge you will be.  If you get a PhD, you will be able to be a professor or a researcher.  At the Master's level, you would be a tech school teacher or a researcher's technician.

    This website has a ton more information:

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