
What do you know about eating disorders? Does this sound like one?

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I have been a resident at a mental health adolescent unit for the past two months, i was put in with a case of severe depression.

I was diagnosed by the doctor there with an eating disorder, about three days ago, and it is really bothering me, as i had never thought of myself to have an actual eating disorder. Funny eating perhaps, but not a disorder.

These are the reasons he used to diagnose me, and to begin treatment for it:

I have days on end where i hardly eat, not because im starving myself, just because i am not hungry, and then suddenly i will be starving, and eat and eat and eat.

Often during these "binge" times, i make myself sick afterwards, sometimes to ease the discomfort of my stomache, sometimes through guilt.

I've gone through phases of using laxatives, something i did not admit to my doctor, but is probably important

I get obsessed with certain foods. For example, when i was little, i ate a marmite sandwich three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then one day just hated them, and havnt eaten one since. I have done this with thousands of different foods/meals over the years.

I am very weight concious, very self concious.

I am five foot 10, I weight 9 and a half stone, wich, in my opinion, is far too much. I hate certain parts of my body, and i try to cover them up

I can wake up some days, and get all dressed up, but then look in a mirror, and start to cry. I will instantly change into a baggy jumper and shorts.

I suppose I am preocupied with food, i am obsessed with it, even though I dont eat much of it.

It plays on my mind very much.

If i eat even the tiniest bit of lettuce, i will be convinced it has made me put on stones, and i have to get it out of my system

either by hours of excercise, or making myself throw up.

I hide food, and wont eat infront of other people.

It sounds kind of. bad when i put it like that

but. i mean. im not skinny enough to have an eating disorder

i ate a lot today,

and i mean. i dont know.

im 13. its just...well to me its just teenage weight obsession.

can you please tell me your opinions.




  1. Just because the reason you dont eat sometimes is because your not hungry and not because your trying to starve yourself doesnt mean that thats okay and isnt an eating disorder.. also anything where you eat a lot then throw up on purpose or take laxatives for other reasons than the obvious is an eating disorder. you say you werent ever trying to starve yourself but you talk about how self concious you are. so maybe the two have more to do with eachother than you may think.! i hope you get better! and im sure you and your body is beautiful so dont worry! by the way. im a former bullimic so im concerned for you genuinly.

  2. Did your doctor mention Bulimia to you?  That is what it sounds like you are describing.  It can cause all sorts of health issues.  Maybe it might ease your mind a bit to talk to a nutritionist and establish strict eating to ensure you are receiving the correct number of calories, vitamins and minerals from your food.  You have to remember there are parts of everyone's body that we dislike.  Learning to accept and love yourself for your really great qualities makes a huge difference.  Good luck to you.

  3. eating disorder are how you think about food not how you look..i was treated for one too in a psych unit, you have one and you need to acept the help

  4. Definitely eating disorder.

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