
What do you know about guatemalal and how does it compare to the U.S.? i need to know more about Guatemala?

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please write as much as you want! the one with most, good info about guatemala gets 10 points




  1. Just absolutetly gorgeous!!! It's called the land of everlasting spring. Climate-wise: it has 4 mid seasons: Wet-warm (may to July) Wet-fresh (August-October); Dry-fresh (November-February); Dry-warm (March to May). Best time to travel weather-wise is December. Is great if you could spend Christmass and New Year to see all the markets, firecrackers, posadas...

    You go to Guatemala for Landscapes, Nature, Culture and Climate.

    Keep in mind that a good 50 to 60 % of the population is Mayan indigenas wich adds quite a bit of color, culture and charm to your visit.

    Depending on how much time you have to spend there, the classic is to go down to the old city of Guatemala called "Antigua" and take some spanish lessons with one of the 150 small language  schools in the city. There you will not only have a very cost-effective learning (more often than not you have 1 on 1 lessons with a local spanish teacher) in total immersion, but you will meet other travelers from around the world that want to: Meet people, learn, travel and have fun. 2 weeks of spanish lessons is enough to give you a good head start with the language. You'll study during the mornings, afternoons are there to hang arround the central park talking with whoever happens to be there and has something interesting to say (prepare some interesting things to say your self). If you're into girls, you will be served, some of the finest of European dames make their way down there. The avrage girls travelling per guy is a good 3 to 4, so you have yuor pick. One per week is a good average! You than meet the girls of your dreams and invite them to an Atol de Elote at one of the street stands and than a nice dinner in one of the many really good restaurants (cheap too) in town (lots of europeans and americans that decided to stay forever open up restaurants just to pay the bills). From friday to monday you will tag alone or organize for others to tag alone, a trip to Lake Atitlan (most beautiful natural volcano (4 of them) lake in the world) also to be visited in the same area: sunday market at Chichicastenango. The following week-end you can tag along the Monterrico Trail (surfing, beach volley, mangrove canooing, bird watching, turttle races). Everybody goes to Monterrico on the weekend. On your way there or on your way back you will climb an active volcano (not the one near Antigua - there are at least 33 visible craters in the country, most of which are silent). Try to make it for sun set to see the beatifull fireworks of lava beeing splashed into the sky.

    If you plan a 3 week trip, after your last day of school, you will head towards the Honduras Bay Islands. My personnal favorite is Roatan. But there are two more islands. The advantage of Roatan is that it has decent beaches and night life (for an island). You want to go there to take an open watter cours (PADI) and visit some of the worlds best reef dives. You can also snorkle.  Because locals are very good at getting the girls, bring your favorite catch with you, evendough there are still lots arround competition is a bit rougher.

    If you decide to stay an extra week From Hoduras you can take the Mayan trail road: Copan (border Guate and Honduras) than go up towards Peten home to the largest mayan ancient city TIKAL. You can than choose between luxurient jungles and more wild beaches in Belize or go the other way into the more americanized mexican Yucatan (Cancun, mujeres, etc...) either or both would be a nice end of your trip  before you decide to go back home.

    Tips: Stay away from the city, not very interesting unless you're into a bit of comfort and metropolitan life that you can get in most big cities in the US or Europe. It's also known, depending on the area of the city you decide to get lost in, to be a bit dangerous. Personnaly, I'd stay away from it unless you meet a wealthy local that can show you around and introduce you to some of the finest girls in central america.

    There is more to see and do, but just to give you a bit of initial info. Try to find-out more about each one of the places mentionned. It will for sure be a memorable trip if you have the right attitude.

    PS: comparisons to the US, school wise, city life wise...? Outside the city you will have a great cutural shock

  2. Wow, I've been to Guatemala twice and I can't think of anything to add to the above posts.  I'll take my 2 points and say congratulations to the above posters.  Guatemala really is a beautiful country.  And the other posters are right on when they say that the people in Guatemala are friendly and pleasant.  I've never been more relaxed than when I was in Antigua, Guatemala!  Don't forget to try the Black Bean Soup!

  3. everyone has done a wonderful job answering this guestion i might add i have a house and church their and its in zona 12 i have drove there from the us and have traveled all  over and i go there 5 days a month guatemala can somed up with one word   PARADISE

  4. Welcome to Don Pedro de Alvarado Spanish School!

    «25 years of excellence»

    We are committed to teaching Spanish in one on one classes in order to reach total immersion. The Guatemalan culture, a variety of activities, a familiar atmosphere and lots of fun is an important part of our schools policy.

    We are looking forward to having you here with us!

    Don Pedro de Alvarado Spanish School is located in Antigua Guatemala, Central America's most interesting and fascinating city. The school is specialized in private Spanish language instruction with a 1-on-1 student/teacher ratio that can be arranged on a 4 or 6 hours per day basis (5 days a week).

    The majority of our teachers went to university and speaks English. Almost all of them have taught for at least 5 years and each one is trained and qualified to teach Spanish as a foreign language.

    The student is given a new instructor every week in order to provide a great variety of learning experiences. The school offers more than just an ordinary linguistic program found in other institutions. We provide courses that are specially geared to the individual students' needs.

    Students progress at their personal speed and are not slowed down by conventional methods. We offer them an opportunity to concentrate on speaking, writing or reading abilities or a combination of the three. The teachers are accustomed to teaching beginners as well as intermediate and advanced students from all over the world.

    Unlike conventional programs, the classes are held in a variety of locations with the Guatemalan people themselves, such as in parks, town squares, markets, cafes, colonial ruins etc. In all cases the student decides where he would like to study and what he would like to see following his private instructor's initial orientation.

    One week of studies consists of 5 days of classes and 2 days of rest. During the weekend the student gets the opportunity to explore the surroundings of Antigua and other parts of Guatemala. This can be done in a group, but also individually.

    Usually classes are held between Monday and Friday. If you wish you may also receive classes on Saturdays. The student can choose to take his/her lessons either in the morning (8:00 am – 12:00 pm) or in the afternoon (2:00 pm – 6:00 pm).

    You may take FSI and ACTFL foreign proficiency exams that can help you to obtain employment and/or university credits.

    We are looking forward to having you here with us!

    6a. Avenida Norte No. 39

    Antigua Guatemala

  5. Guatemala is a beautiful country. We have spent many lovely vacations there. Guatemala is a country full of beautiful colors! The Mayans weave beautiful cloths, the buildings are painted many colors and the variety of vegitation is remarkable. It was the best of times....It was the worst of times, Should have been written about Guatemala. A country built on the backbone of political strife and genuinely good people. The poor are very poor and the wealthy are very wealthy. The Bananna - such a sweet fruit has been the source of a lot of bitter suffering. Research the United Fruit Company.

    Many streets in Guatemala City remind you of the US, they have McDonalds, etc. How is Guatemala different.... Guatemalans are different than Americans. They have a reserved mannerism that comes off very humble. I never met an arrogant Guatemalan!

    Guatemala is a lot smaller than the US. It's about the size of Tennesse. Terrain is similar to Tennesse, too. Guatemala is a more Agricultural country. There are many different languages spoken in both countries.  Guatemala is prodominantly Catholic.

    Guatemala's climate is pretty much "Spring Weather". Women live with their families until they are married. People in tourist locations speak English and Spanish.

  6. You might be interested in taking a look at the CIA World fact book:

    Also take a look at travel guides online, like Frommers, Fodors or Lonely Planet, since they often have a lot of background information about each country.

    Also see:

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