
What do you know about indonesia

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What do you know about indonesia




  1. I depise this muslim country above Australia for the treatment of their own people

    I had to laugh after the Tsunami how aid workers in certain areas were told by muslim thugs to leave or their safety would not be guaranteed. Now thats a country that couldn't give a rats a_rse about their citizens. Like Burma & their political meddling with their recent Hurricane & withholding aid - politics always comes before the people in Indonesia

  2. Well, I know it's the world's largest archipelago (group of islands), it's made up of 13,000+ islands... and that it has the largest Muslim population in the world...

  3. Indonesia's capital is Jakarta,and it is a republic with an elected parliament and president. On 25 November, an earthquake measuring 6.7 in magnitude struck the island of Sumbawa.

    I found the people some of the most warm and welcoming and a place i would love to have more time to explore

  4. 1. Many Muslims

    2. Lot's of rich culture

    3. In most cities, they have different language's

    4. The capital is DKI Jakarta

    5. They are the only ones to have orangutangs

    6. On August 17, is there Independence Day

    7. Lots of islands

  5. many islands, corrupted goverment, dirty country, people dont follow the rules, and MANY MORE!!

  6. It's abroad, you have to fly to get there and you probably need to take your own tea bags with you (giggle).

  7. Your best off going to the US government website and they have a list of consular sheets updated for each country.  There u can view on each sheet the countrys facts, visa req'ts, safety, crime and list of US embassies plus much more.  Ive been to Indonesia and I took a ferry from Singapore to Bintan Telani, Indonesia.  Its a small nice resort if you just want to get away for a couple of nights.  There, you can look at natural mangroves as well by boat.  This island was not dirty and not crowded.  Just lots of golf courses and lots of tourists.  There are groups of locals who stay in quarters but they mainly work on the resorts.

  8. I know that it has a capital "I" like all of the other countries.

  9. Indonesia is the rich country in the world.

  10. not much sorry.

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