
What do you know about moisture ants? Pest control rackets?

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A tenant from one of the houses we rent out just called and said that they have moisture ants, and that an entomologist came out and said that it would be $395 bucks to fix, and $60 a month to maintain. Is this a racket? Do pest control people try to sign unsuspecting people up for treatment that they don't need? also, what is the best way to get rid of moisture ants without this service, or is it necessary? Thanks in advance!




  1. Pest control companies love contracts because it is money in the bank. You rarely will get your monies worth out of that type of contract. Read the fine print. The best way to remove ants is to remove the source that they are attracted to. If moisture is in a particular place, it may be a sign of a leak. Fix the leak, and dry it out. Chances are the ants will move on to a tasty rotten log somewhere instead of a dry home.

  2. Most people call them p**s ants.And they are easily controlled with granuals and steaks that you can buy at wal-mart,or hardware store.Save the big money for the repairs that will be needed when your tennant moves out.Good luck.

  3. The ants are after the moisture. All ants need water just like everybody else. Yes, 1 queen per colony. As far as useing a pest control company. Is this a costant problem, are they leaving food out constantly? If it's a constant problem, then you may need a pest control company. If your do it yourself home owner attemps don't work. When I owned my house we had a pest control company service our home,once every month. In 5 years we had ants twice. One time was from leaving donuts out. The other time, was the first time. You will want to shop around for a reasonable price. Don't be affraid to ask them if they will beat another competitors price. They will. It will usually take a good month for the chemicals to kick-in. So be patient. They are all regulated and required by law to use certain types of chemicals, if not the same. It's the service your after. Pest control works! Good luck

  4. buy at wal-mart,or hardware store dont buy those products

    go on line www.antbusters .com

    good luck

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