
What do you know about ordinary people of iran?

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What do you know about ordinary people of iran?




  1. They are a proud people. Mostly Persians. With a long and honorable history. A marvelous tradition in the arts and poetry. And they are the victims of a repressive regime of Shia clerics who came to power on the backs of the illiterate hordes of Tehran.

  2. my guess is they are alot like anyone else in the world. Like those of us in the US.  Most are pretty cool, just have jacka$$es for leaders.

  3. Probably just people trying to make their lives better, and wishing that their government would stay out of their way.

  4. Most people in urban cities in Iran go to work, school, the mall, watch TV, etc... but also abide by Muslum rules.  Many of them eat American style fast food, coffee, etc.  Just no alcohol or pork.

  5. Well, they live in Iran. Some are female and some are males. Some work at jobs and some don't. There are big ones and little ones. There are old ones and young ones and some in between. Sometimes they laugh and sometimes they don't. They are usually referred to as Iranians. Oh yeah, some are named Mohamed. One is probably named Frank (I'm not sure about that one). I guess that is about it. Thanks for asking this question.

  6. Not in Iran,in most of the developing countries, the life of an ordinary man is not good.

  7. The young people do not like cleric rule and realize they have less freemdom than western countries. The cleric government will eventually be thown out..

  8. I've always heard that they are one of the few peoples in the Middle East that actually likes us. (Americans).

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