
What do you know about the A-B schedule in highschool?

by Guest61450  |  earlier

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okay im a little confused

im going into 9th grade and they have a schedule whee one dayis a day and the other is bday

they have 4 classes a day and then you switch to other classes the net day

im not sure how this works

i know not alot of schools have it and its like college but theyre preparing us for college i guess

how does it work?!




  1. well my school is exactly like that, but the way it works is that you go to different classes everyday. The first day you go to periods 1-4 and then the second day you go to periods 5-8. and you just switch off daily. It is really simple, I did it all last year so it will be fine. any questions just ask

  2. I had that system at my old high school. In my school, A days are usually even days like the 2nd or the 4th, and it always starts the school years. B days are usually the odd days of the month. But sometimes it can be confusing, because if there is a scheduled day off, then the system is messed up, for example, if an A day is on the 2nd, and there is a day off on the 3rd. Then on the 4th, when school starts again, it would be a B day. So now, it's switched. You should get a schedule that tells you what class you have on what day. And the Days alternate, like A B A B. If you have any questions, there should be a class that you go to everyday, you can ask your teacher then.

  3. the AB schedule has you taking 2 classes b4 lunch then a class during the lunch period, that period will be 30 mins longer to include your time for lunch, there will be different lunch periods based on the subject you take at that time or where your classroom is in the building. you'll have another class after that one then the school day is done,

    those 4 classes that day would be A on B days you'll have another 2 morning classes and that afternoon class, the one at lunch could either be a different or be the same every day so you keep the same lunch period, but if it's different you could have lunch at a differnt period so you'd have to have a different group of people to eat with for A day's and B day's. if you have the same lunchtime class your 3 other classes will be 90mins long, your lunch time class will only be 60mins but you'll go everyday to make it equal, you'll either take your lunch at the begining of the period, and come back to the room for and hour of class, or your lunch will be after the first 30mins, you'll go come back and do the other 30mins, or you'll eat after 60mins of class time and depending on how over crowded your school is they're could be food shortages but you won't know this til after a few days cuz most people that start off bringing lunch and eat there so you're going to have to feel it out yourself.

    Now if your lunchtime class is different on B day's then your first 2 classes and the afternoon one may be shorter, depending on how many lunch periods your school has, my school had over 1800 kids in the 4 grades so we needed 4 lunch periods but if your school's small, you may only have 2 lunch periods not quite sure how that would effect the length of time you spend in each class though, bcuz we had had the first setup my 9-11th grade years and the 2nd setup my senior year.

    not sure where homeroom will be in the schedule because they changed the time school started after my freshman year, then cut homeroom down to once a month sophomore year, then once a week and the end of the day junior year, then once a week after first class senior year and I quit going to it by then because it was super pointless. I promise you will figure it out and will adjust to it after a week or so.

    If you have any questions about all this info just message me

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