
What do you know about the CFR?

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I am basically asking if you have any understanding of real politics here if your ignorant of the CFR and Rockefeller please educate yourself. Ignorance is not bliss and is causing the deaths of children nothing bliss about that do not have blood on your hands and lets keep the internet a source of information not controlled by n**i traitors




  1. The council on Foreign Relations is what's called a "think tank"; Their stated goals are

    "Maintaining a diverse membership, including special programs to promote interest and develop expertise in the next generation of foreign policy leaders;

    Convening meetings at its headquarters in New York and in Washington, DC, and other cities where senior government officials, members of Congress, global leaders, and prominent thinkers come together with Council members to discuss and debate major international issues;

    Supporting a Studies Program that fosters independent research, enabling Council scholars to produce articles, reports, and books and hold roundtables that analyze foreign policy issues and make concrete policy recommendations;

    Publishing Foreign Affairs, the preeminent journal of international affairs and U.S. foreign policy;

    Sponsoring Independent Task Forces that produce reports with both findings and policy prescriptions on the most important foreign policy topics; and

    Providing up-to-date information and analysis about world events and American foreign policy on its website,

    In reality they're just one shady group of lobbyists in a long list that threatens transparency in government by attemting to influence the policy decission making process and remove it from the control of the people, and as such Democracy itself because democracy depends on knowing and knowing depends on transparency.

    They are however not a secret cabal  and certainly not n**i traitors yet. Anyone in public life who gets anywhere close to power will be invited and they'll try to recuperate their effort and supporters to strenghten their own goals and objectives. They don't push their members to the highest levels of government, that's where they recruit. The difference is crucial

  2. *Puts on tin foil hat*


    Believe me, I've done my reseach on conspiracy theories.  I'm just a little less willing to believe everything that I am spoon fed by nutters.  David Icke much?

    We've all heard of Anonymous and to a degree I applaud it's work.  But I think some people are far too eager to believe in any conspiracy, just because their lives lack something.

    Fine, thumb me down.  I suppose it's easier than thinking of an informed response.

  3. I know the CFR is dominated (as is US politics) by US-Israeli dual citizens, some of whom are reputed to be Israeli intelligence agents for Mossad - as well as leading neocons - several of whom have been prosecuted (and subsequently pardoned) for espionage activities against the USA, including Richard Perle I think.  

    In fact there have been surprisingly large numbers of such people in key positions within successive US administrations.  It's incredible that so many foreign nationals / dual nationals are involved in the US government.  I knew about it but having seen more evidence recently I was very surprised at both the numbers involved and their positions, which seem to often be foreign policy and defence orientated - including Chertoff, to whom ALL US law enforcement reports including the Secret Service.

    The CFR is a highly influential and equally secretive organisation and in turn it has extreme influence (for a 'think tank') within consecutive US administrations, democratic and republican alike.  Dominant members include Brezhinski and Kissinger.  So we are not just talking about key influencers here but active policy-makers and almost all would-be Presidential candidates seem to be CFR members... which is amazing.

    It has incredible influence in the US, which is hard to believe - I'd never expect another country to be so subject to such powerful influence from another nation state, especially when so many are joint US-Israeli citizens.  

    It's a very strange situation...

    Need I say more?

  4. Are they the shape-shifting lizards?!

  5. The CFR is comprised of the most illustrious American-loving leaders in existence. Any one of whom would sacrifice their lives to better yours. Most were hard working enterpreneurs, not college attendees who stood at the trough of welfare. The CFR will deliver our nation from the mistakes of those who have innocently smashed into the side of the bridge and woke up, just before hitting the water.


  6. I know about CPR. I learned it from the RED Cross.

  7. It's the US arm of the British "Chatham House" NWO Round Table   formerly 'The Royal Institute of International Affairs'.

    Your dates are right but some believe it to be a Rothschild funded body, just like the other Round Tables e.g. the Bilderberg Group, Tri-Lateral Commission, the "environmentalist" i.e. eugenocidal 'Club of Rome' .

    In the case of the CFR, they fund their lackeys to run for high office.  

    Since, as well providing funding, the same few dynasties already have a media monopoly, nobody outside of them gets a chance.. welcome to the single-party"democracy".

    edit: The Violator is bang on the money too.

  8. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921 and based at 58 East 68th Street (at Park Avenue) in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Many believe it to be the most powerful private organization to influence United States foreign policy

    i dont think we have these things in New Zealand, we have them in Greece but they just sit around for 3-4 hours drinking coffee then go home for food and siesta


  9. Hmm are you from Romania??? (cause i am)

  10. I know its full of people who think they're smarter than anyone on this board. That makes them dangerous. I know they're advocating a One-World Government and it makes me laugh when I hear people down-playing this aspect of the CFR. Live and learn.

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