
What do you know about the King?

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What do you know about the King?




  1. Which King, of Spain, of Sweden, of Belgium, or Jesus, the awsome King.

  2. The King; is all knowing, he's omnipotent, he is the truth, the light, the way, the rose of sharon, the lion of Judah, the mighty one of Israel, the beginning and the end, the source of all life, the air we breathe, the song we sing, the water we drink, the food we eat and on and on and on.......................The King is everything, and needs no introduction.

  3. Did you deliberately forget the name of the king you were talking about, so that you would get answers ?

  4. A king is a male monarch (The female equivalent is a queen), or a head of state, who may or may not, depending on the style of government of a nation, exercise monarchal powers over a territory usually called a kingdom. A king is the second highest noble title, surpassed only by emperor. A king often wears a type of symbolic headgear known as a crown.

  5. so much, he is all LOVE and he cares for all humanity.  I like to be in his presence alot. So much to learn and so much to grasp. His knowledge is beyond any knowledge, and his wisdom beyond wisdom.  Songs of grace and love are felt in my heart when I close my eyes and just think of my king...I am really a daughter of a KING...the King of Kings...

  6. The King of Rock and Roll


    sorry :P


  7. Which king?   Don King?

  8. His name is Jesus and He is the king of kings.

  9. Which King?

    The movie:  ?

    Burger King?

    I too would say Jesus, the king of God's Kingdom.  But your question is not listed under "religion" ... it's listed under "Society/Culture/Royalty."

    King of Kings is Don Omar:

  10. Do you mean Elvis?

  11. Which King?

  12. Which King? Juan Carlos of Spain?  harald of Norway? Carl Gustav of Sweden? Elvis Presley?  could you be more specific?

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